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"Mono, you scared us for a moment; I thought someone else entered my room." The latter turned to the triplets and made a silly face. She wanted to calm them and assure that she was not in trouble, but that they were safe. The triplets giggled and Mono hugged them.

"Do I look scary to the children? Sorry Blee..." Mono apologizes again, he was always wearing his box mask for some unknown purposes, but he always said that it was for their safety. "It's quite alright... And yes, you look a bit scary to them, you know?"

Blythe chuckled at Mono's comment, then the latter had a sudden realization. "But if you know this, why are you wearing it most of the time?" Her tone became puzzled as she remembered the other staff members and their reactions to Mono's mask. "Yeah, it's for protection. Can't live without it..."

He lowered his head. "I.... gotta go. The CEO of the Akaibara house will visit us, so I'll get prepared." The host noticed her friend was being evasive, so she decided to ask straight-up. She stopped Mono at his tracks.

"But is there another reason you're wearing this mask... Like you're hiding something... From someone?" Blythe said, with slight suspicion. Mono was not only a staff guy, but a friend of hers, so, she thought that, at least, he could be more honest about why he kept his mask. "I'll tell you when time comes."

He left without saying anything more. As for Blythe, she followed the box-guy, curious to know who's the CEO of their beloved House of Akaibara. As the two people walked through the corridors, the staff guy suddenly stopped as he reached next to a large oak door. The host noticed Mono pulled out his ID card before opening the door and entering.

She wondered what was behind that door and why Mono was so secretive. Blythe's thoughts were scattered, so she tried to brush them off and move forward. She was close to the room and needed to keep focusing because there was someone waiting for her and the host can't be late.

The two entered the room. Akairo looked at the two of them like he's observing. "Greetings, fellow workers." He uttered in a gentle tone. Akairo was a bit friendly to his co-workers. Hearing the voice of her fellow co-worker got the host's attention; she raised her eyes to see Akairo. The latter's presence was very intimidating, but the host didn't let it scare her, so she kept on a bright smile. Blythe approached Akairo and greeted him in a respectful manner. She was not in the mood to have a small talk with her co-worker. "Are you the hostess of the show? It's a pleasure to meet you."

Akairo smiled, offering a handshake to a latter. He was kinda friendly. "This House runs even much better than I expected, all thanks to you Miss Harper." There is so much respect in Akairo's words, as he was very glad to see Blythe. The host's bright smile turned into a beaming one as Akairo was praising her. The latter accepted the former's handshake, shaking it gently. Blythe was not used to getting so much recognition, so it caught her off guard at first, but she quickly calmed down.

"I'm simply doing my best to please the entertainment's viewers, and I'm nothing without my colleagues support, so... I'm flattered." The woman's tone became thankful and appreciative towards the CEO. The host tried to maintain her composure. "Oh, the truth is I'm just the CEO's assistant, but I got high ranks just like him."

He stepped beside as a way to introduce the real CEO.

Marcus Maevis.

"Good evening, Miss Harper. It's a pleasure to meet you." Based on the guy's looks, he is indeed very rich and handsome. As the real CEO came in, Blythe's eyes went wide open, her smile turned into an awe. She stared at him with full of attraction. The host couldn't resist at the handsome man's aura. However, she had to keep her image and stay professional with an employee in front of her.

"Good evening, Sir..." The woman tried to lower her gaze, but she was having a hard time as her heart was pounding fast. "I'm here to gather information about the Ayston Triplets."

The three went into the conference room quietly. Marcus started to explain the further details. "The mother of the Ayston Triplets, Theo or Theodore Benjamin Ayston, he suddenly went missing last month, and one possible speculation could be the cause of it."

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