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From a distance, she saw a big motorbike that has a key. Blythe uses it to chase the van. Once she got to the motorcycle, she grabbed the handle and started the engine, preparing to go after the van. The host was still yelling and worried about the missing triplets, she didn't care about getting hurt or not in this situation if it was necessary. Her mind was only focused on going after the van and rescuing the triplets.

Blythe sucessfully cornered the van as it crashed to the post. She pulled out her bat to break the window and save the girls..

"Help us!" The triplets screamed, terrified. Trina's head was bleeding, while Trixie and Trisha are crying. Blythe's eyes were full of terror and anger as she saw the children in such a dire state and in danger. The host wasted no time in approaching the van and breaking the window, she was also very concerned when she found out that Trina suffered a head injury.


The woman yelled at the triplets as she grabbed Trina and tried to heal the wound on her head while getting her out of the van. "Big sis Blythe, my head hurts!"

Trina started to cry, holding her injured hand with her little hands. "Sh-h, sh-h..."

The host tried to reassure and comfort the little child, wanting her to be okay. She continued to tend to Trina's head wound. The host used all of her love and compassion to help out the little girl, trying her best to treat the wound right away. After a little bandaging, Blythe took the triplets back in safely, making sure they won't get involved in any harm.

"Thank you Big Sis..."

Trina sniffled, hugging Blythe warmly. The host was relieved to be able to get the triplets safely back in her care, with no serious injuries whatsoever. She felt so happy and content that the triplets are safe and sound. Blythe couldn't help but to chuckle after receiving the hug from Trina as she hugged back the little child warmly, giving her headpat with a gentle smile on her face.

"It's no problem, little one."

Blythe replied with a small smile, and then hugs the child back with her loving, welcoming, and protective arms, wanting to give her some comfort and love after what just happened. The woman was relieved that the triplets were all safe and sound. She took the kids back to the House.

It was nearly midnight, and the triplets were fast asleep. "Good evening."

Marcus uttered, opening the gates of Akaibara. "G-Good evening..." The woman replied in a soft and low tone, feeling emotionally exhausted from the whole ordeal she just experienced. She slowly walked towards the house, trying to stay calm and collected, but her heart felt so heavy with the sudden incidents. "Oh, you need to go rest. The House's done at the repairs, and we'll be going back on work hours sooner."

Marcus uttered, carrying Trixie and Trisha.

"Looks like you got into a total chaos earlier..."


The host replied quietly, still feeling quite tired in body and mind. She then noticed Marcus carrying the other two triplets, as she couldn't help but feel guilty, especially when she saw them crying and screaming for help when she just arrived at the scene. "How long was it before I arrived and rescued the triplets?"

"Just around five minutes."

He whispered, not wanting to wake up the children. The two of them puts the triplets into their respective beds. "Let's go out carefully, we might disturb the kids..."

"R-Right... Let's go outside and talk..." Blythe spoke quietly, following the man's request. She was really tired, emotional, and felt so worried for the kids when they were kidnapped. Her heart was still heavy with fear and sorrow after the entire experience she had.

The two watched the starry night sky, looking at the bright stars twinkling in the moonlight. "Yah, do we even know where Akairo went after the triplets' mother's issue was solved? It's been days, I-I mean weeks..."

Marcus asked, looking at Blythe's eyes deeply. "I-I... Don't quite know..."

Blythe replied back, looking at the man in the eyes, and sighing. The woman's brain was still clouded by a lot of stressful events from before and then the recent kidnapping of the triplets. She couldn't help but feel extremely sorry when Mono mentioned about the fact that they don't know where Akairo went after the triplets' mother's issue was solved. The host felt really bad for not knowing the answer and not being able to help in this situation. "Hmmn, maybe he went to Yume Province, that's actually his hometown.."

Marcus thought, looking up in the sky. Blythe's eyes widened, feeling shocked at this new reveal.

"H-How did you know that he went to his hometown, in particular the Yume Province...?"

"Hmmn, who knows.." Marcus uttered again, sighing.
"B-But how can you be so sure about your deduction about Akairo going to Yume Province? Did he ever mention it to you?"

The woman asked with curiosity in her eyes. "I saw him packing bags and stuff..." He took Akairo's spare ticket left in the office jar. Blythe narrowed her gaze when she saw the spare ticket, as she grew more suspicious about the man's answer.

"So you're telling me that you were actually able to see what Akairo was doing in private during the time when we were busy with the triplets' mom situation?"

"Mhm. Got an private investigator on that guy."

Marcus uttered, looking at the ticket. "Personal issue..." The woman felt surprised at this sudden new reveal, especially when Marcus just casually mentioned that he hired a private investigator to do the investigation for him with Akairo.

"Y-You hired a private investigator for Akairo...? You... You must have some sort of suspicions about him, to hire one for such a reason..."

"Hmm. Maybe. I don't really trust that man."

The man placed the tiny ticket in his pocket, then the two continued to walk on. "Besides, he didn't gave me any personal info about himself..."

"S-So... You decided to hire a private investigator to look into that issue just because of that? Because he didn't give you any personal info about him?"
The woman asked, now being more curious about the whole situation. Her mind couldn't help but ponder over this whole thing, feeling very suspicious about Marcus. She didn't like the man's answer at all, and her suspicion grew even stronger.

"I'm the Akaibara's CEO, you donk. Of course I have to check my employee's background infos."

Marcus uttered, a hint of dissapointment can be seen in his eyes. "That man's strange."

"I... But... I would argue that hiring a private investigator just to check the background of one employee is a bit too excessive." The woman argued with Marcus, now not feeling happy with his answer. Blythe couldn't help but feel very suspicious with the man, and her eyes now showed no hint of trust. The host felt very worried about his suspicious behavior as well.

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