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"S-So I have something very urgent and important to tell you... Can I have a few minutes?"

"Yeah, sure. Is it  that very urgent?" Marcus asked, leaning to show interest. "Tell me."

Blythe took a deep breath, not wanting to keep her boss waiting, and she began to get straight to the point.

"The pregnancy test that Mono did yesterday showed that... Mono is pregnant... He's three months into the pregnancy so far, and I... I'm helping him figure out what he needs for the baby... I promised to go shopping with him to buy some supplies..."

"I already supplied the latter with some on that very night. Mono already received it on midnight."

Marcus informed Blythe, as the man doesn't like the lady getting worried on things. "I'll take care of that, besides I'm free in the afternoon. Just do your job and keep calm, okay?"

Blythe was starting to feel really grateful to her boss, feeling touched that he's supporting her as she was still trying to wrap her head around all of this. Her expression then became a little unsure, and she spoke up hesitatingly. "O-Okay... But... May I ask something, if it's okay with you...?"

"Oh, okay..."

Marcus nodded. Blythe then began to speak up, now feeling a little more uncertain with her own thought...

"N-Nothing too big, but I guess I should ask this... It's just, since Mono is pregnant... I'm just wondering as an opinion, n-not really looking for a definite answer, but in your opinion... Do you think Mono could give birth like a normal healthy pregnancy... Or do you think there would be any complications with that...?"

"Depends on their situation. If Mono could endure it, there would be no complications. If he's sensitive, may Goddess Ai help him."

Marcus uttered, looking down. The woman then suddenly remembered something that Mono has described to her to be a symptom of his pregnancy. It was the cravings, and that made her realize that Mono is indeed rather sensitive with this kind of things... Blythe then proceeded to ask one last question that she needed to ask just in case he might have issues with giving birth.

"S-So how is Mono coping with his pregnancy cravings...? D-Does he have a really hard time in trying to control his cravings...?"

"Cravings are normal! Don't worry about it."

Marcus replied, comforting Blythe. "A pregnant person are just eating what  the unborn baby likes."

"O-Okay... That's relieving to hear... So Mono is still coping pretty well with the craving so far... Right?"

Blythe wanted to be sure about this. But now that Marcus has reassured her on several occasions, her worries have eased away, and she could now feel better about this whole situation.

Marcus nodded. "Welp, I need to go to sleep. I'm pretty tired..." Blythe nodded too, and she also realized that Marcus was also pretty tired, with the bags under his eyes being a clear indication of that.

"O-Okay... I'll stop bothering you now... S-Sleep well, okay?" She tossed herself back into her comfy bed, snuggling with her lovely pillows.

Blythe went back to her comfortable bed and cuddled her pillow. She took a deep breath, closing her eyes as she prepared herself to fall asleep. As she was still trying to wrap her head around everything that just has happened in the past day, she had finally let out a sigh, now feeling a little bit more relieved to know that the boss has supported her very well, and that Mono is doing good, even through his pregnancy. She smiled a little and closed her eyes, and in just minutes, she was already asleep.

The sunlight hitted her cheeks after hours. Blythe yawned and looked pretty energized. The lady opened her eyes, and she was finally feeling very energized now. She felt a lot better now, feeling a lot more relieved too after all the support and reassurance she had received. Blythe got up from her bed, stretching a little as she decided to get ready for work already. She then smiled and headed to the bathroom to take a shower, so that she would be clean and fresh looking for the day ahead.

She suddenly saw Akairo on her way back to the lobby. "Long time no see, Blee." The latter smiled, cheerfully hugging the lady. Blythe was suddenly taken by surprise when she saw Akairo and he greeted her. The woman was a little surprised when he hugged her, but she also couldn't help but smile as she hugged him back.

"Oh, hey... I-It's been quite a long time indeed... I'm really sorry for not being able to see you often, like on previous days..." Blythe chuckled a little.

"My parents sent me back to Thalia Country last month because of studies, so I didn't show up..." Akairo explained, scratching his head. "Sorry for making you worry..."

"N-No, it's okay... It's not really your fault... I actually felt like your sudden absence is a very logical reason..."

Blythe chuckled a little more as she responded to his apology, wanting the latter to not feel so bad just because she wasn't worried at all. "Did your studies went well, though?"

"Slighty good! I improved and graduated after."
The lad smiled, Akairo's smile was like a little sunshine.

"That's so wonderful to hear! I'm so proud of you!"

Blythe gave a gentle smile to the latter as she spoke. As the young man was clearly a good student as he had improved and graduated with the time he was away, and that made Blythe felt happy for him, being proud of such an achievement.


Blythe suddenly felt a finger tapping her shoulder, and she got goosebumps. She turned around to see who was it.

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