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"Lets go. We need to investigate on who killed this poor man and what's the fuckin' motive."

Marcus sped up slightly and the two of them got back into the House of Akaibara immediately. "Get every files, I'll get every books and media here." Blythe felt extremely furious seeing how Theo was treated for no reason, and the fact the assassin hadn't been caught yet for the murder made the host's anger grow stronger. The lady agreed to help Marcus with the files and books and media. At the same time, the host also searched for some clues to help in the investigation, hoping they could find something about this whole case in the Akaibara House.

"In his previous medical certificate, it is stated that Theo got a special ability to conceive children..."
Marcus started reading the first document. "And was a successful test subject by lab technicians..." Blythe raised her eyebrows and her eyes widened at the information that Marcus had just said related to Theo. The triplets' father was a special person who had the ability to conceive kids and was a successful test subject by lab technicians? What the heck?!

"*S-Successful test subject*?... T-That's... Very strange..." The host seemed disturbed by the news as she continued looking around for things that might help. Yet, her mind couldn't stop thinking about the results of his medical tests. "Yah! So he freaking got pregnant to those triplets? That medical facility's a sicko!"

Marcus widened his eyes in suprise. "His private life's kinda interesting..." "P-Yeah, it definitely is. A man that can make triplets... It is crazy, like, who can ever imagine a guy doing that? It's very shocking..."

Blythe replied, feeling the same way Marcus was about this information. The host was truly surprised that a man's ability to make triplets was real. She thought it was some kind of joke, as she could never believe it was real. The information was shocking and disturbing, even more so when she figured out that Theo had to take tests in a medical facility for that.

"I've gathered information from his former peers that it was all forced by the scientists who performed that disgusting experiment. They raped, didn't gave consent, abused his fucking private part, and made him a little bitch. Like, What the fuck."

Marcus sighed, feeling bad for the former. Theo suffered badly just for the sake of... science. "T-That is awful... He was forced to be experimented with for the sake of science? His life was ruined, and he couldn't raise his kids like most fathers would... This is terrible..."

Blythe looked at the papers with a sad and bitter look on her face. Even though she had already gathered a lot of information that was shocking about Theo's past, this one was the most heartbreaking. Theo was literally a victim of a mad science experiment, and he suffered greatly, which made the host's blood boil.

"Motherfuckers gonna pay for that."

Pissed, Marcus opened up the House's garage. He took out a decent motorcycle which... Costs a lot of money. "Pay back time." At the sight of the motorcycle, the host froze as she noticed Marcus was going to use that vehicle to go on a mission. The CEO was angry, he was going to get his revenge after all the things the scientist did to Theo.

"T-That thing is expensive..." Blythe was impressed by how Marcus made a lot of money to buy such a bike, though that was the least of her concerns to worry about at the moment. "You gonna wear a helmet and go with me or what?"

Marcus uttered, putting his gloves and helmet gear on. He was mad serious. "You bring something to swing on. That scientists are slightly dangerous, we need a weapon."

"W-Wait, hold on!"

Blythe panicked as she realized that Marcus was actually going to take her with him. The host didn't intend to go on any adventure with the CEO, but she couldn't refuse because they needed to take their revenge. "I don't have anything to swing. You expect me to beat them up with my bare hands?..."

"Pick inside the garage house! There's so many to pick on, Blee..." Marcus' hand pointed towards the garage. The host looked at where Marcus was pointing. Blythe knew the possibilities were almost endless inside that garage. The lady looked around the place and spotted something that could be used as a weapon.

"I got it!" Blythe walked to the garage and took a baseball bat. The host felt that would be a good option, as the object was heavy and big enough to cause some damage. She rode with Marcus and the two dashed along the starry night. Blythe got off first, as she saw the scientists' facial expressions. Looks pretty mad for discovering their dirty tactics.

"This... Is fun."

Marcus scoffed, he swung his large scythe to eliminate the disgusting people. Blythe observed Marcus, who was killing the scientists with the large scythe. The host tried not to get too involved in the fight, and when she had the chance, she swung her baseball bat at another scientist on a chance to make that murderer fall to the ground, then she would have the chance to hit him hard on the head. The host's heart beat fast as she hoped she could do something useful besides watching the CEO deal the situation. "Pretty good at combat, eh?"

Marcus praised the host.

"That perfect smile says it all." Blythe chuckled softly, she was surprised at someone admiring her strength instead of her charming beauty. For once, someone acknowledged her good traits about being a warrior instead of just a damsel in distress. "T-Thank you, it's the first time someone compliments me on something like this. It's always my smile, my beauty, my sweetness... And now my ability to kick ass..."

After a few minutes, they finished the whole mess.

"Serves them right for treating people like puppets and porcelain dolls." Marcus uttered, cleaning the whole mess they made. Pretty fun.

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