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The host immediately noticed that Mono was having a great pain in his chest. Her eyes widened with panic, as she crouched down next to him.

"M-Mono, are you alright? What happened?" Mono's vision went blurry as he closed his eyes. Blythe widened her eyes in shock. Her heart was beating so fast because of the sudden occurrence that she felt so worried and afraid for the man's health and safety. She then spoke to him in a panicked and fast tone.

"M-Mono... What's happening to you?! Should I get the CEO to help you or something?!"

"Idiot, he'll won't respond. Get the access card to the Akaibara's secret room."

Marcus uttered. He ripped Mono's sweater hard.
"Bruise in the chest..." Blythe was completely caught off guard when Marcus suddenly ripped Mono's sweater off to reveal the bruises around his chest. Her eyes grew wide as she had a horrified reaction in this moment.

"Oh my god.. You actually had bruises around your chest..." The host panicked and screamed once she found out about this serious situation with Mono.

"Something to do with heart disease..."

Marcus carried Mono like he's just a feather. Blythe swiped the key into the secret room and saw a huge healthcare facility. Then, the two of them placed Mono in the bed carefully. The lady's eyes widened when she stepped into the secret room with a lot of medical equipment. Her jaw dropped to realize the sheer size of the facility in the secret room. She then saw how Marcus was handling Mono like he was featherweight, carrying the man to a bed so he can lay in it safely.

"You learned Medicine while your in high school and early college right? Can you help me..."

Marcus uttered, asking politely. "Y-Yeah... I did..."

The host answered and then walked towards the bed, feeling so nervous as she observed the bruises and the heart machine that was checking the patient. Blythe placed her hands around Mono's wrist and felt his pulse, which felt very weak and irregular. "His health condition's must be way too bad..."

Marcus uttered, looking at the fragile Mono lying on the bed. "Anyways, I'll still help you." He assisted Blythe, helping her in any possible way. "Th-Thank you..."

The woman replied and then focused her thoughts back to Mono's condition. Her hands then slowly moved towards the man's chest to feel his heartbeat even more. Blythe couldn't help but feel worried because of the situation. The bruises on the man's chest looked so horrifying, and the heart monitor was making her worried because it kept beeping very fast. "How do you cure him..?"

He asked in curiosity, leaning in. "Does the treatment take a very long time?"

"Unfortunately it does... This is a very delicate treatment, it's not going to be a simple cure. I can see it being so complicated and hard to treat..."

Blythe said with a sad look in her eyes, as she spoke in a very quiet and solemn tone. The woman continued to carefully check Mono's heartbeat, while trying to get more information about the man's condition from the machine.

"Oh, that's bad..." Marcus thought, then the man replied. "I'll go research ways on how will the lad recover fast."

"Y-Yes, that's what needs to be done..."

Blythe's reply was short as she continued to check the man's heartbeat and breathing patterns. The host was still worried about this entire situation, wanting to find a way so that Mono could recover fast and not suffer more than needed.

She recieved a call from one of the staffs. "Miss Harper, we need immediate help." "What help is needed now, If I may ask?"

"Someone entered Trina's room and kidnapped the latter away..."

Blythe panicked in worry, she was shocked. The host's reaction was quick when she heard how Trina was suddenly kidnapped, her eyes widened as she was worried for the triplets' safety and well-being.

"W-Wait, what!? Why would someone kidnap one of the triplets?! Where was she last seen?!"

"In your room ma'am.." The staff uttered with concern.The host's reaction was quick when she heard how Trina was suddenly kidnapped, her eyes widened as she was worried for the triplets' safety and well-being.

"W-Wait, what!? Why would someone kidnap one of the triplets?! Where was she last seen?!"

"In your room ma'am.." The staff uttered with concern. The woman gulped the moment she realized that Trina was kidnapped in her private bedroom. Blythe was then about to speak in a quick manner, but the host kept her cool and asked one more question for confirmation.

"When did someone suddenly kidnapped Trina inside my private bedroom? How long has she been missing?"

"T-that's what we dunno." They uttered. Frantically, Blythe searched for the triplets all over the Akaibara. She then rushed out into the halls, scanning each room for the missing triplet. Her heart was racing really fast as she went from room to room, hoping to find Trina safe and sound. She was panicking because she had no idea where the missing child was, and she wanted to ensure that she was fine and safe from the kidnapper.

She felt a strong aura as soon Blythe reached the parking lot. A black van drove away, with the triplets inside. "Big Sis! Help!" The triplets cried, as the van drove, taking them away.

Blythe froze for moments when she heard the triplets screaming in the black van, as it took the kids away from her. In those few seconds, the host lost her cool and yelled with panic.

"No no no!!! No!!!" She then ran as fast as she could, pursuing the black van. Her heart beat so fast and she was desperate and worried about the triplets' safety.

From a distance, she saw a big motorbike that has a key. Blythe uses it to chase the van.

The Great Masquearade: GreedМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя