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The three uttered in sync. Blythe's eyes widened when she saw the three triplets in Mono's room, and she couldn't help but feel nervous about the situation. She felt anxious and worried now, wondering if this whole issue with Mono would get more complicated once the triplets were involved in this.

"Um... Y-Yes... It's me.. And the CEO... What's the matter, children?"

"Do you want anything?"

Trina and Trixie uttered. Trisha was hugging Blythe.
"Um... D-Does Mono happen to be here?..."

Blythe asked curiously when Trisha was hugging her, but she didn't mind the little girl at all due to how cute Trisha was with her. The host was completely surprised by the triplets being here and the way Trisha was hugging her. Blythe hugged the three little children back, feeling pretty emotional in this situation.

"Big bro Mono? Do you need the box man?"
Trixie looked at Blythe, blinking her eyes. "Mono's upstairs, big sis." The trio said, giggling. Blythe chuckled softly at the way the triplets mentioned Mono as "big bro", she found it cute how Mono was an older figure in their lives. She then gave the three of them a smile before she asked another question.

"I see, then can I ask if I could go up and speak to Mono for a bit?" The triplets nodded. Blythe hurriedly went upstairs, and finds Mono's room.
Blythe rushed up the stairs, finding Mono's room. She entered and closed the door softly behind her. The host could see Mono laying in his bed as he was staring at the ceiling with a sad look on his face. She felt her heart beating fast when she saw the man being in such a vulnerable state.

"Mono... Can I have a word with you, please?.."

"Mhm, yeah."

The latter nodded, letting Blythe in.

"Need something?" Blythe sat next to Mono's bed, wanting to speak to him privately. She looked at the man, and her heart felt heavy when she noticed the sad look in his eyes.

"I was worried by what happened between you and Marcus, I know you were arguing with each other and I was worried it had something to do with me..."
Mono looked down to his feet, avoiding Blythe's presence. He got a bit shy and distanced himself.

"Just... Go."

Mono uttered, sighing.

"I'll fix that problem myself." Blythe felt hurt by Mono's words. It felt like he was distancing himself.
The host felt so heartbroken by hearing Mono's words. She felt like she did something wrong, to the point that the box guy wanted her to leave quickly. It felt like the entire relationship and friendship she built with the boy had come to an end with just this one argument.



Mono's voice was sttill soft yet felt hurt. The ends of his box mask were slightly wet. Blythe flinched by that sudden raised voice, causing the host to back away a little from Mono. The woman couldn't help but feel heartbroken and upset by this ordeal, wanting to stay to fix the issue, but Mono was clearly pushing the woman away, which made her feel terrible.

"O-Okay... I'll go..." As soon Blythe left Mono's room, her tears she had been holding on earlier started to overflow her eyes, sobbing auietly.

The host broke down into tearful sobs as she walked away from Mono's room, closing the door. Her heart felt heavy, and she felt guilty for this entire situation. The woman couldn't understand how Mono suddenly became more hostile towards her, causing her to feel devastated. She stayed against the wall as she continued to uncontrollably cry, thinking that her relationship with Mono had gone downhill from this point on. She suddenly saw a bandaged hand holding a hankie. Marcus.


He handed the hankie to Blythe. The host was still sobbing, but she took the hankie and used it to wipe away her tears. The woman then looked up to the CEO's direction, with her eyes red and swollen from crying too much.

"Y-Yes... I'm c-crying..." Marcus hugged the lady with his loving arms.

"Hush, Blee. Just let it all out." Blythe was caught off guard by Marcus' sudden hug, but she allowed it anyway. Her sobs grew louder as she let out all her emotions in front of the CEO, feeling like she was in need for someone to comfort her, which he did wonderfully. All she did was crying quietly in the CEO's arms, as her tears fell on the man's shoulder.

Then, Marcus wiped the lady's tears. Blythe felt much better than earlier now.

"Wile your nose, you might catch a cold."

Meanwhile, Mono was staring at them from a distance blankly, then went to another direction to avoid the two of them.

The host couldn't help but be thankful for the way Marcus was taking care of her, as he was always kind and a compassionate person. She was slowly calming down, feeling at least a little better now. Marcus' actions helped the woman to feel more relaxed in his presence after that big crisis she had.

Blythe tried to look for Mono, but he already went away. The host looked in a direction, seeing how Mono walked further away, looking to be in a sulking kind of state. She wanted to apologize to Mono, she felt the urge and the need to. The lady ran towards the box guy, yanking his long-brown sleeve towards herself.

"It hurts, Harper."

The host stopped in her tracks when he felt his long sleeve yanked sharply, as he turned to see who the culprit was. It was Blythe, holding his sleeve. She pulled him to a certain direction, making Mono come with her to have a little chat in private. Once they reached somewhere with no people in sight, she then spoke to the man. "Mono... I feel like I need to apologize to you..."

"For what? Messing with my own problems again? I'm ti-"

Suddenly, he felt his chest hurt badly. Mono closed his eyes in pain, kneeling down slowly. The host immediately noticed that Mono was having a great pain in his chest. Her eyes widened with panic, as she crouched down next to him.

"M-Mono, are you alright? What happened?"

The Great Masquearade: GreedKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat