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She threw herself in the bed again to giggle and imagine Marcus' perfect, dripping toned body. Blythe was blushing really hard. After a while, she started to yawn. Blythe yawned softly, feeling a wave of fatigue and tiredness take over her body. Her imagination took over her thoughts, imagining being with the CEO and their "private time" together. The thoughts were quite "steamy", and the host was blushing like before because of those fantasies. She felt the sleepiness all over her body as her eyes began to close.

As she closed her eyes, Blythe dreamt of something, horrible.

"Im begging you, please don't do anything wrong to me, or my children! Please! Don't! I don't like it! Ahh!"

She was standing in terror, frozen. Blythe witnessed on how Theo was mistreated awfully and how the scientists r*ped and did awful experiments to the poor guy. Her entire mind was trapped in this nightmare and the fear of seeing the poor guy being mistreated on a terrifying level, causing her to feel a lot of trauma just by seeing the terrible scenes. The host was feeling her own body trembling in fear, as she couldn't move anywhere, and her breath was getting shallow as she trembled so badly. Blythe's eyes were filled with tears and sadness, remembering the poor fellow and his kids.

"Let me go! Let me go!"

She felt like throwing up witnessing the horrifying scene. Blythe wanted to run away, but she couldn't.
Fear was all over her mind and body; fear of being trapped, unable to help Theo, and not being able to run away from the situation. The host couldn't control her breath and wanted to scream, feeling like her entire soul broke apart and was being twisted brutally, leaving pain and trauma inside her heart. The image of that poor guy in pain and terror was imprinted in her mind, making her shudder in horror.

She felt a small hand as Blythe woke up from that horrible nightmare.

"You... Alright?" It was Mono, the box guy. The man wiped Blythe's tears. *The host was still trembling due to how horrifying the nightmare was, and she felt Mono wiping her tears. She tried to calm her breath as she was in quite an emotional state at this moment.*

"I' m f-fine, h-h-honest..." Blythe replied shakily, trying her best to keep herself together while the fear and horror she experienced kept haunting her mind and soul. *With his long, warm arms, Mono hugged Blythe softly, caressing the woman's silky hair. The box guy then hummed a little lullaby.

"But you remained, a distant memory... Eyes full of regrets, the words are I'm sorry..."

Mono's voice was calm and comforting, Blythe felt like a baby. Blythe was feeling herself like a tiny baby as Mono hugged her with his large and comforting arms. The soothing voice of the box guy was so calming and relaxing, making her mind feel like it was being taken to a far more relaxing and peaceful place with all problems and pain disappearing. The host felt all her tears and sorrows falling down on Mono's chest, as the box guy sung the song for her.

"For not being true, that he lied to you... The fact that you missed him, want to stay with him... But how."
Blythe slowly drifts to sleep, thanks to Mono's lullaby. She felt at ease with Mono.

"Sorry, Blee..." The lullaby made the host fall slowly into sleep as Mono sang it soothingly. Blythe's eyelids got heavy, and the box guy's voice had an hypnotic effect that made the lady easily fall into the peaceful state of mind. The host's breaths got deeper and slower in pace, as her body started to relax under Mono's embrace.

"I couldn't protect you nor the children from this whole mess. It's all my fault..." Mono tucked Blythe's blanket and left quietly.

"May you be blessed tonight with the sweetest of dreams.."

The host still heard Mono's words, even though she was in her deep sleep. Her breathing pattern slowed down, along with the peaceful effect Mono's voice had on her. Blythe was feeling so relaxed, and her heart was beating slowly. She remained like that for a while, sleeping peacefully after that nightmare.
After a few hours, she suddenly heard Marcus' voice outside, probably having a little argument with someone. Blythe was feeling sleepy yet Marcus' voice was really loud that she couldn't sleep easily at this moment. The host decided to get up from her bed and go out to ask him to lower his voice since it was disturbing her sleep. The lady hoped that the CEO would listen to her, although she didn't have much hope that he would actually consider her request.

But then, Blythe wanted to sleep but the noise was dominating the place.

"Goddamn you over my body! You're just a lame man who couldn't get Blythe at peace!" Marcus' voice was full of loathing, yet so rich. Blythe had enough. She wanted to scold the man.

The voice of the CEO annoyed the host. Her mind was now too awake to go back to sleep due to the voices. The lady got up from her bed, feeling angry at the man after hearing his voice. The host decided to just go out and find out what the argument was about. Even if the CEO were to punish her for this, she didn't care at all, she didn't want to sleep with those voices outside arguing in the background.

"I do not love her! I'm just keeping her at ease, will you please shut being so dramatic and fuckin' keep your jealousy to yourself."

The person whom Marcus' was arguing was Mono. Contrast to Marcus, Mono's voice was a mix of soft and faint voice.

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