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The woman argued with Marcus, now not feeling happy with his answer. Blythe couldn't help but feel very suspicious with the man, and her eyes now showed no hint of trust. The host felt very worried about his suspicious behavior as well. "Okay, okay, I humbly considerate your concern."

Marcus looked at Blythe, his gaze soften. "I won't disturb him again. I promise you." The moment Marcus looked with softer and more comforting eyes, the woman felt relief and felt less worried when she saw the man's gaze. Blythe's eyes returned to their normal selves and she tried to relax herself. The host then nodded, deciding to believe his promise.

"Right... I'll believe you... I'll trust you..."

*The two walked lazily around the House of Akaibara. Marcus took his ice popsicle he saved from earlier and started licking it.*

"Hmm, avocado flavor..." Blythe looked at Marcus then checked on her pocket. She saw a cherry-flavored lollipop.

Blythe was now quite relieved when she saw that the man was more friendly in his behavior. She felt quite uneasy whenever Marcus's eyes looked at her in a stern or cold gaze, but she felt much calmer when his eyes were filled with softness. The woman pulled her hand that had the lollipop, and looked at it before looking at the man. After that, she then spoke to him with an unsure tone.

"W-Would you like to try some? I found this lollipop on my pocket just now..."

"Bet you're much hungrier than me. I'm fine with this pops." Marcus uttered, licking the excess cream on his lower lip by his tongue. As he does that, Blythe's face went cherry pink, flushed.

She immediately tried to control her expression and look away for a moment to avoid any embarrassment from Marcus seeing her expression. The moment Blythe looked away, she tried rubbing her blushing face to make the color of her skin less noticeable. "T-This is embarrassing..."


Marcus looked at Blythe, tilting his head slowly. "A-re you okay?..." The woman replied with her flustered expression still lingering on her face. While trying to make her blush less visible to the man, she still felt very embarrassed when thinking back about Marcus' reaction just a moment ago when he licked the excess cream off his lips with his tongue. "Oh... M-Mhm, I'm fine... Just feeling a little flushed..."

He let out a little hum. Blythe waved goodbye to the latter and went back to her room. Once the woman said goodbye to Marcus, she immediately went back to her personal room, wanting to take some time to calm down from her extreme embarrassment of a few moments before. As she entered the room, she sat on the chair by the desk and sighed heavily before placing her head on her hands.

She remembered Mono, who was in the secret room of Akaibara. Blythe forgot to check up on the poor guy. Upon her realization that Mono was the one locked inside the secret room, her heart felt so worried and sad. Blythe immediately stood up from the chair, and then exited her personal room and went to the place where Mono was, to check how he was doing, and possibly give him some company.

Blythe swiped the access card fast. Upon entering, Mono was throwing up.

"God its been minutes since I'm throwing up shit..."
Mono uttered, wiping his lips. The host's eyes widened, feeling incredibly worried and sad upon seeing Mono's expression. She immediately went over to him, crouching down to his height and trying to help him as much as possible. The woman was desperate to see the man fully recovered and alright.

"O-Oh my... D-Do you need anything else? Like water to help calm your throat...?"

"Thanks for the water, Blee." Mono thanked Blythe sincerely, drinking the water. "And my fuckin' mouth has been picky with the food the staff gave last hour... Help." The woman was a bit surprised to hear the man's thanks, and she was also surprised to hear of his trouble with food being picky, especially with what the staff gave him earlier.

"H-Huh... S-So the food they gave you was not very edible or appetizing, or is it just your mouth that has been picky with the food?"

"N-no. I like the food but my body's rejecting the food..." Mono explained, placing the glass beside the table. The woman sighed and became nervous when she realized that Mono's body was rejecting the food he was given. It is quite worrying if one's body was suddenly rejecting food, and the host didn't like the sound of this at all. She then walked toward the man.

"M-Mono, that's not good... R-Let me do a check on your status.... Are other parts of your body feeling alright? No discomfort or anything?"

"Uh, I'm having headaches earlier but  then  the water helps and also, you know that feeling when you want  to vomit but you didn't vomit anything?"

Mono explained, looking at the glass beside the table.
"Mhm... I see... Well, it's good that the water was able to help you out in terms of your headaches.. But it's rather worry some that you want to vomit yet nothing came out..."

The woman replied with a frown with her forehead creasing, seeming quite worried for Mono. She then proceeded to ask him a follow up question. "And did that feeling of vomit come after you ate the food you were given that's making you picky, or did it come randomly?"

"It came randomly..." Mono answered the latter.

"Am I weird..." The woman sighed and shook her head, and then she crouched down to Mono's height, now speaking in a low tone as she tried putting on a gentle smile with the intention to make the man feel reassured. "N-No... You're not... You are not weird at all... Your body is just feeling something is wrong or acting up right now, and that's rather normal... Do you need to vomit right now...?"

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