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"The mother of the Ayston Triplets, Theo or Theodore Benjamin Ayston, he suddenly went missing last month, and one possible speculation could be the cause of it." The host was listening to the details the CEO was giving her, her face full of focus. However, her heart was focused somewhere else. The man's handsome traits got her attention like she was hypnotized by the guy. Blythe's mind was clouded by the appearance, but the latter tried to not let it distract her from listening to the information he was giving.

"Are you listening...."

Marcus furrowed his eyebrows, and that gave Akairo and Blythe the chills. "Goddamn it sorry for Blee, Blythe you apologize!" Akairo tapped Blythe's shoulder. Hearing Akairo's words snapped her back into reality. The host's attention went back to the CEO and his information about Theodore Ayston's missing.

"Yes, I'm sorry, Sir. I was lost in thought, but please, continue." She said as she bowed her head. Blythe was feeling ashamed because she was caught in a trance without even realizing it. She wasn't used to focusing with handsome men; they gave her butterflies like she was a teenager again. "So I was saying..."

"....this controversy almost spread to the children's school near the Church of Ai. We don't want the children to be humiliated. We must think of a way to shut the rumors up and confirm what's happening with the mother." With that, Marcus finally finished sharing the conflict. He then waits for Blythe's suggestion. Blythe thought about the situation, but all her mind could think about was the handsome CEO in front of her.

The latter finally realized she was thinking about him again; so, she quickly shook her thoughts to focus again on the problem. "Yes, this is indeed a big issue that could reach the children. If I can share my thoughts... I think a great way to shut the rumors is by telling the real reason why Theodore  isn't around. But..."

"But the latter went missing last month, Blythe. That's the fuckin' problem."

Marcus sighed, just by thinking ways on how to prevent  the poor children from bullies of the students in the school. "These little rascals didn't even had the gut to tell you they're been bullied all the time." Blythe was quite aware of the fact that Theodore was missing without a trace. She was also aware of the bullying the triplets had to face, and she was not amused.

"These children need extra protection; they should not be bullied or humiliated in any way, and they should be protected at any cost." She said firmly, trying to make a good impression on the CEO. However, Blythe's true intentions are to avoid any more humiliation for the triplets. "That's a good suggestion. Case closed. We should get the children some free time for them to calm a bit."

Marcus ended the meeting. Worried, Blythe hurriedly went  to the kids' room. As soon as Blythe entered the room, the triplets rushed to her, hugging the latter again. Their affection made the world disappear to the host; suddenly, she felt at ease and relaxed, no stress, no worries, no thoughts about the missing father or the handsome CEO... Just the triplets and her. "Big sis Blythe, are you okay?"

Trina asked in curiosity. Blythe's eyes flashed, a sudden realization came to her mind; the triplets had noticed that their sister didn't have her fake smile as always, instead, she kept to herself. The children were worried about her, which made the host a big responsibility to keep the girls happy.

"O-Oh! I'm fine, sisters. Sorry for my sudden mood change, I'm just feeling a little down."

"Do you have something to say to us?" Trixie and Trisha uttered in sync, tilting their adorable heads innocently. Blythe realized the triplets were a little bit suspicious about her sudden change of mood. She decided to hide the truth from them so they wouldn't be worried more. The host smiled sweetly at her sisters, trying to act as normal as possible. "Everything is fine, sweethearts. I'm just really tired, but I'm getting better, don't worry about me!"

"Do you know when mommy will come to see us??"
Trixie asked again, pouting. Blythe tried to think about a plausible answer to help the triplets calm down, as they looked at her with sad eyes. She needed to make sure they wouldn't worry about their mom, who was missing without a trace for a month. "M-Mommy is working really hard to see us and provide the things you need! She always thinks about you three, so you need not worry. We should just be patient, she'll come back soon, I promise."

The triplets nodded and they went to bed. "Sweet dreams, Big Sis!" The three of them uttered sweetly. Blythe turned off the lamp. Blythe's eyes were soft and gentle as she watched her sisters sleep. They looked so peaceful. She gently pulled their covers and tucked them in before laying her hands on top of them.

"Sleep tight, my little angels."

The host kissed the triplets on the forehead and left the room. However, she was feeling sad about how the situation was getting worse for them. Blythe didn't know what she could do other than providing love and protection, because otherwise, it might get to the point where they'd have to experience worse things.

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