Chapter 1 - Not Attracted

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Uea, our protagonist and Jade's friend, tends to intervene directly in the story and address us readers, even going so far as to make his own monologues. That said, happy reading!

Have you ever looked at someone for the first time and felt that they were frustrating?

Eight years ago, I felt this way about one person. Until now, I've always felt this way about him, and it seems like that feeling increases with each passing day.

"Hey, Uea."

On Monday morning, around 8, Bas, Head of the IT Department, my immediate supervisor, greeted me from behind while I was waiting for the elevator that would take me to the fifteenth floor, where my office was located. I smiled weakly to appear polite and gave a 'wai', since he was older than me.

"Good morning P'Bas."

"You're early today."

"Yes." he replied shortly. Normally, I arrived at work at the same time every day. That time I hadn't arrived any earlier than usual, but I didn't say anything because deep down I knew Bas was just trying to make polite conversation to fill the silence. I wasn't good at having conversations with people I didn't know, so I just played along.

"Today we have some new interns. The director will also inspect our department. Last Friday I gave explicit instructions to those latecomers to come early today. I don't know if they listened to me." Bas continued, but I didn't look at him because my eyes were fixed on a tall, large man in a black shirt and gray pants, who was entering the building.

I unconsciously frowned as I watched the incoming boy enter the coffee shop on the ground floor of the building. He leaned towards the counter and ordered a coffee from a young barista. From where I stood, I couldn't see any expression on the boy's face, but I didn't need to see him to know what his face looked like. I knew very well what mask he was wearing.

It didn't matter how many years passed, he only had one face, a flirtatious one.

"At least one has already arrived." I said, pointing towards the cafeteria with my eyes. Bas followed my gaze and sighed in relief.

"Oh, is there? What a relief! I was more worried about him. You know, King is always late on Mondays." Bas murmured shaking his head with some sort of realization to accept reality as I continued to watch King 'order his coffee'. It wasn't until the elevator doors opened that I stopped looking at him and stepped into the elevator with Bas to go up to the office.


My name is Anon. My nickname is Uea. I'll be twenty-seven in a few months. I work as a graphic designer at a private company in the center. Relationship status: single. I broke up with my last partner a month ago.

Before him, I broke up with the previous one six months ago, and another before that, about a year ago.

Most people would classify me as one of the most beautiful of the very beautiful. Since the beginning of my high school years, people have constantly tried to impress me even though my skills in relating to others have always been far below average. I don't really like people who come into my life. However, it happens constantly: there are those who approach me directly and those who give me gifts through acquaintances. The latter are the ones that don't interest me at all since I have a motto: if you want to know me, you should approach me directly, not through someone else.

Even though there have been many people who have hit on me, I'm not the type of person who gets serious with just anyone. It takes me a long time to consider those who approach me before I agree to enter into a relationship. However, even though I think I learned enough about that person before I got serious, I've never been in a relationship that lasted more than six months.

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