Chapter 11 - A Whirlwind of Emotions

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It had been over two months since King and I had been friends with benefits, and everything had gone smoothly under the terms we had agreed upon. In bed, we could get along without any problem, we could talk about what each of us liked or didn't like freely. King had never forced me to do anything when I said I didn't want to, or when I said I didn't like it, he would stop immediately. Even when we were at work, things seemed to have improved, at least, we could have civil conversations without having to get on each other's nerves for a longer time than before. And since King didn't tease me as often as he used to, I didn't feel so annoyed by him anymore.

In all that time, he had never violated any of our agreements, but that moment marked the first time he had done something I had asked him never, ever to do, and it really annoyed me.


Early on a workday morning, in my bathrobe and in a reasonably bad mood, I walked out of the bathroom in a luxury condominium in Silom straight to shake the room owner who was still asleep in his king-size bed.

"King! Wake up!"

"Hmmm." He responded sleepily with his eyes still closed and no sign of waking up like I told him to do.

I sighed deeply and hit him on his bare shoulder.

"Ouch! What?"

"Stand up!"

"Okay, okay." Finally he agreed to sit on the bed. His sharp eyes were still half closed, as if he hadn't fully woken up and his black hair was a little messy. Despite everything, I had to admit that even when he woke up like this, he was still very handsome, like a model in a magazine or something.

"Have you taken a shower yet?" he asked in a hoarse voice grabbing my arm as I was standing practically on top of him, and pulling me to sit on the bed. Then he wrapped his thick arm around my waist and held me so tightly that my back was pressed against his broad chest.

I tried to move away from him as he buried his prominent nose into the side of my neck.

"Uea, you smell great."

"Stop that."

I quickly pushed him away from him before things got out of hand and said coldly, "What is this?" I opened the collar of my bathrobe slightly to the side to show him what he had done. He shook his head to get rid of the drowsiness and took a good look at what I was showing him. When he clearly saw what I was pointing at, he raised his eyebrows.

"Oh, did I leave a mark?"

"I told you, you can't leave marks, right?" I said rudely.

The night before, as things were getting hot and heavy, I hadn't noticed what he had done. That morning, however, as I looked at myself in the mirror in the bathroom, I noticed a faint red spot on the side of my neck. From the beginning I had told him clearly that I didn't like any marks on my body: I ​​didn't like seeing any kind of wounds on my body or any hickeys, and I was afraid that others would see them. Even though my shirt collar could cover a mark like that, I was still uncomfortable and paranoid.

"I forgot. I must have gotten too carried away. I am sorry." He smiled slightly, and his semi-serious apology made me frown.

"Don't frown. I will not do it again. I promise." He countered with a more serious look in his eyes when he noticed that I was annoyed with him.

I sighed loudly, narrowing my eyes as I looked at him, there was a smile on his face.

"Get in the shower. If we leave late, the traffic will be bad." I decided to end the controversy briefly and went to the closet to get a shirt and a pair of long pants, continuing to get ready. Then I heard a whistle from behind, I turned to look warily at the back of the tall man who had stood up, wrapped a towel around his lower half and entered the bathroom.

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