Chapter 16 - Black Hole

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For me, there were three factors that contributed to a smooth professional life: one, the amount of work appropriate to the allotted time and salary; two, the environment as well as colleagues; and three, the supervisor.

Despite being unsociable, I had worked in this company for the last three years and, apart from difficulties and some conflicts with colleagues which were normal from time to time, there had never been any long-term problems. It was when the IT department hired a new manager that I started to feel like my professional life wasn't as happy as it once was.

"Good morning, Nong Uea. You came early today." said the low, soft voice of Mr. Krit, my foreman, as I stood in line to buy a cup of coffee at the coffee shop with a green mermaid on the logo, on the ground floor of the office building.

"Good morning, Mr. Krit." I put my hands together to greet him politely with a wai, but the older person shook his head.

" 'Sir' again. I told you to call me Phi." He narrowed his eyes, scolding me in a non-serious way. I couldn't help but call him whatever he wanted. When he noticed that I had obeyed so easily, his eyes shone with satisfaction, and it made me feel so uncomfortable that I glanced at the coffee queue, praying that my turn would come quickly.

I didn't want to talk to him that much.

"What will you have, Nong Uea?"


"The coffee... Which one will you have? I'm here to buy one too. I'll line up for you so you can sit and wait. As for the coffee, I'll pay for it."

"It's okay, sign-Phi Krit. I don't want to disturb you."

"A supervisor buying a little something for his subordinate is normal. You don't bother me. Or do you have something against me?" He came closer to me, the nerves in my temples began to throb and I began to have a headache in an instant.

Here it is again, a sentence like this.

"What you want?"

"A frozen Americano."

"All right. Wait for me at the table." he said as he grabbed my arm and pulled me out of the line.

I mumbled a 'thank you' before turning and walking towards an empty table in the cafeteria. As soon as I sat down, I sighed deeply.

It had been a month since the new manager arrived in the IT department amid secret criticism among staff members regarding Mr. Krit's suitability. He might have had support because of his connections as the owner of the company's nephew, but his ability to work was not poor, unlike other people who had contacts but had no talent and could only pass the responsibilities to their subordinates . Therefore, he had gained the trust of the staff members in no time. I didn't have any problems with his work competence, but I did with his gestures towards me.

In front of other employees, he treated me normally just like he treated a subordinate, so no one suspected anything, but when we were alone, he usually expressed his interest in me so clearly, both through his eyes and voice. It was all so clear that even a preschooler would understand it, like offering me a coffee when I didn't ask for it. And that wasn't the first time.

He was good-looking and seemed polite, but my instincts warned me that I shouldn't be near him.

"Here's your coffee."

"Thank you."

I got my Americano. The large hand that lightly touched the back of my hand as he handed me the glass sent shivers all over my body. Mr. Krit smiled at me while I, who was uncomfortable, hid my eyes from him.

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