Chapter 17 - Desires (M)

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Over the past twenty-seven years, I had faced so much in my life, and those experiences had made me realize that I wasn't very lucky, especially when it came to a love that always seemed to be doomed. If I had only been unlucky in love, it would have been bearable because at least if my career and financial situation had continued to go smoothly, my life could still go on. However, at that moment a bad omen seemed to cast a shadow over my career and financial situation right in front of me.

"I'm sorry, but Som from marketing wants to change the concept of the stand. So, we have to redo all our artwork." Mr. Krit said in a low voice after calling me into his office and discussing the work at length.

All I could do was stare at the notebook in which I had just jotted down the details of the new briefing, speechless from all that stress.

"How much progress have you made compared to the previous version?"

"Eighty percent."

"It's a shame, but it needs to be changed. Anyway, I need it later this week, Nong Uea." The new IT manager gave me an apologetic smile, but it didn't seem like a very sincere smile.

"YES." I forced an answer, trying so desperately to suppress the urge to express my dissatisfaction.

Mr. Krit got up from his chair and approached me who was sitting. His large palm rested on my shoulder, and he squeezed it lightly.

"If you don't understand any part of my briefing, you can always consult me. "

Fine hairs stood up all over my body as he leaned so close to me. His eyes that pretended to look kind were drooling on my face. I tried to bend a little to get away before bowing my head.

"All right. Can I go back to work?"


I quickly got up, turned and rushed out of the foreman's office. My feet brought me straight back to my desk as I took a deep breath, trying to hide my frustration even though I was extremely furious internally.

"How was it?" Jade asked as he saw me return to the office. My friend's narrow eyes watched me curiously as I sat down at my seat.

"We have to throw everything away and start over. He called me to give a briefing on a new program. "

"Fuck you!" Jade cursed and then quickly covered his mouth, looking around at him. Once he noticed that everyone in the department was focused on their work without paying attention, he moved his chair closer to me and lowered his voice.

"Why did he just tell you that? Why the hell didn't he tell you before you started working on it? Why give a new briefing when the work is almost done?"

"He said the marketing team just gave him the briefing, but I heard P'Som talk about it the week before. Then I saw that Mr. Krit didn't say anything about it, so I thought P'Som might have changed his mind and decided to follow the original plan." I sighed, throwing the notebook on the desk boredly.

Since I was clearly avoiding him, Mr. Krit had started calling me into the department director's office more often, sometimes to give me orders for some tasks, sometimes to give me little tips to improve the work in progress. Additionally, a job usually received repeated edits, and this was the first time I had to scrap everything and start all over again.

It was common for graphics staff to start with a briefing and end up adjusting to new orders along the way, but in Mr. Krit's case he had ulterior motives. He had mixed his personal feelings with his work: the fact that he had given me a new briefing at that moment, while he should have done it the week before, was a case in point. It was as if he understood that I didn't want to play the way he wanted, so he pressured me by using his supervisory power to force me to follow his path. My boss had now become my ultimate antagonist in this way, so I began to no longer want to come to work.

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