Chapter 8 - It gets on My Nerves

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Have you ever imagined your future? In college, I had once imagined myself in my late twenties: I thought that, by then, I would have a stable full-time job, probably have my own car, or even be able to buy a house. I would have lived the life of an average salaried employee in the capital struggling to save and planning for the future with the love of his life.

Sure, that was just an imagination, and I never thought it would be the same as this, but I never thought it would be so much different.

Well, I had my own apartment, okay, but my job in a private company that could be classified as SME couldn't be considered completely stable. I had a car, yes, but I didn't buy it myself. Most importantly, I hadn't found someone who truly loved me.

Also, at that time, during college, I had never, for a second, imagined becoming the sexual partner of someone I despised.

"Uea, what the hell are you worried about?"

The deep, hoarse voice asked me early in the morning as I waited for an elevator to the floor where my office was located. So I turned to the owner of that voice who was standing next to me and replied in a slow tone: "Nothing."

"Okay. I saw that you were listless, so I thought you were losing consciousness. I was wondering if you hit your head on the edge of the bed when we fucked last night." King leaned in to whisper to me as he chuckled lowly. His glittering dark eyes, shining with completely flirtatious vibes, met my eyes.

It gets on my nerves already so early, I could only think so.

"Shut up." I muttered exasperatedly. I still couldn't believe that I had become bed friends with someone like him for two weeks already.

Everything had gone according to the terms and conditions we had agreed. At work, we acted normally, like we always had, even Jade couldn't tell there was anything different between King and me. After work, each of us returned in our own car. King came to my apartment three times a week, or sometimes we changed the scene by having me go to his apartment. I had then had to leave some work clothes at his house so that when I slept there, I would have something to wear to work the next day without having to borrow his big shirts like the morning after we made the deal.

In the last two weeks, apart from sex, our relationship hadn't changed one bit, he still got on my nerves like before, and I was still annoyed by him as usual.

Especially in a situation like this.

"Good morning, King." A beautiful young lady greeted him with a sweet little voice.

I looked at him and had to roll my eyes when I heard his flirtatious voice come out of his mouth.

"Good morning, Rung. You look particularly beautiful today."

King smiled contentedly as he flirted with the pastel-clad young woman who I remembered worked in an office upstairs at our company. Sure, I didn't know her because she worked at another company, but it seemed like King knew every woman in the entire building, and all the cute guys, too.

If it had been Jade, I would have said she was gregarious, but as far as King was concerned, he was a playboy.

"You compliment me like that. I feel really embarrassed."

Her cheeks blushed a shade that looked attractive. The boy who had just complimented his widened her smile when he saw the girl giggling shyly. I turned away, sighing deeply in frustration.

Why do I have to see him flirt with a girl every time? It's so damn annoying!

"Are you going to your office?"

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