Chapter 21 - While We saw Each Other and Talked to Each Other

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The weather in early winter in the northern region of Thailand was no cakewalk. The later the night came, the colder it became; the temperature must have been around the first tens of degrees Celsius. So, even though I was wearing a thick long-sleeved t-shirt and jeans, I was still a little cold. Even though it was already past 10pm, I was still at my aunt's restaurant, helping the staff clean up and put things away. I looked in every corner until I was sure I hadn't forgotten anything important like turning off the gas valves or locking the cash drawer. Then I locked the door and went back to the house behind the restaurant.

"You just left. You must be tired and still helped. I told you, you don't have to." said the kind voice of the owner of the house as I entered. My aunt was sitting on a couch and she was looking at me with worried eyes.

"It's okay, aunt. I wanted to help you take care of the restaurant so that I could go home and rest a little sooner. It is not a big deal. Besides, this is the last day I can help you." I smiled weakly at the old lady. The next day would be Sunday and I would have to return to Bangkok for work on Monday.

I couldn't believe I would actually go back there again.

"How do you get back to Bangkok tomorrow? And what time are you leaving?"

"I booked a plane ticket that leaves just after nine."

"Are you traveling with that friend of yours?" asked my aunt smiling.

As an adult who had seen more of the world than I, I thought my aunt understood that King wasn't just an ordinary friend, but she didn't act surprised or object. This gave me a sense of relief that my only older relative didn't seem to despise me.

"Yes, King will pick me up tomorrow."

"And have you packed your suitcase?"

"Not yet. I'll take a shower first and then get it ready."

"Okay, then hurry up. It's getting late. Then you can go to bed." She raised her wrinkled hand that was rough from her hard work over the years and gently stroked my head.

I raised my hands to show her a wai. Then I walked away to get my towel, washed up, and went to my room to pack my bags to prepare to return to Bangkok the following day.

My phone that was plugged in to charge the battery made a sound alerting me to an incoming call, so as I was putting my things in my bag, I stopped to get up and grab my phone to look. When I saw the name on the screen, I bent down to look at the clock hanging on the wall of the room.

It's past eleven. He didn't go to bed?

"What are you calling me for?"

"Whoa. Why do you respond like that to someone you're dating, Mr. Anon?" The other end of the line laughed slightly. Just as I heard the familiar raspy voice, my chest instantly warmed.

"Didn't you go to bed?"

"I was going to do it, but I missed you, so I called you."

"You missed me? We spent the whole day together today." I raised my eyebrows. In fact, it wasn't just today; we had spent the last three days attached to each other as we had visited various tourist spots in Lampang together. Two days earlier we had gone to Chae Son National Park, the day before we had gone to Kad Kong Ta, the street market, and that same day we had gone to pay our respects to the Buddha images at Wat Phra That Doi Phra Chan.

It felt like we were engaged.

"But we're not together now, so I miss you already." The moan on the other end of the line was slightly mixed with sweet pleas. He made me smile slightly. There was no doubt why so many girls had been attracted to him; he had such a sweet tongue.

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