Chapter 18 - Awakened from a Dream

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My long weekend had passed peacefully. I had spent my time in a box, doing housework, cooking, going to the gym, and trying to find things to do to relax as much as possible, but my brain still revolved around the fact that King was meeting a girl who was was set for him.

He had called me at sundown on Sunday, after the meeting, without telling me anything about it and had tried to ask me out or to the movies the next day. I thought he was trying to apologize, but I refused, explaining that I was tired and wanted to rest alone in my house.

I hadn't lied to him because I was really exhausted.

I sighed deeply as I looked at the computer screen that was showing my favorite American series. I left my laptop on and let the video play for many hours, even though I barely understood any gist of the story because I was overwhelmed by my thoughts. It must have been my fault for expecting too much of what I shouldn't have hoped for, so I had no right to feel hurt, nor the right to interfere with his life.

I had no rights from the beginning.

The term 'friends with benefits' already clearly defined us as just friends who had mutual sexual benefits. King was free to talk to anyone and do anything, and so was I. However, it may have been because of the strict conditions I had given him in the beginning that I was not used to King that he was seeing someone else. It was ironic that I had established many rules to protect myself, but those same rules had ended up hurting me.

Outside the sky was covered with dark gray and dark red clouds which looked very scary. The lights of the buildings on the opposite side gradually went out one after another over time. I looked at the time on my computer screen that indicated it was past midnight before deciding to turn off the computer, turned on the bedside lamp, and turned off the lights in the room as I looked around my bedroom in the dim light.

My apartment building covered the space of only thirty-six square meters, only the bedroom was not very spacious, but at that moment I felt that it was unusually empty. Was it because I was in a bad mood? Or was it because that someone wasn't with me as usual?

I curled up in bed, pulled the blanket up to my chin. Even the bed felt vast when there wasn't his big, tall body next to me, and there was no hug to help me relax. I reminded myself that I had to go to work the next morning. So I tried to sleep, but it was so hard because my mind was still in turmoil.

I should pull myself together and stop being so crazy.


"Phi Uea. Phi Uea!"


The heavy push on my shoulder made me turn. I was surprised, while queuing for a coffee at the usual café on the ground floor of the office building. The youngest programmer in a plaid shirt over a white T-shirt and jeans was standing on tiptoe behind me in the line. His man bun looked a little messy, typical for a person who had ridden a motorcycle to work. Our company had no dress code restrictions, so I had never seen Gun in a shirt and slacks like everyone else in the last three years we had worked together.

"HI." Gun raised his hands to wai and looked at my face. "After a long weekend like this, why aren't you fresh? Are you sleepy?"

"A bit'." He gave a short answer. Even though we worked in the same department, I had barely had a chance to talk to Gun alone. Even though I wasn't very talkative, there were never any awkward moments because he was the one who started the conversation every time, and this time it was no different.

"A long weekend went by so quickly, and here we are back at work. Boring, right? And where did you go last weekend?"

"I didn't go anywhere, I just slept at my house."

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