Chapter 10 - Pleased to Meet You (M)

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Compared to other people my age, my daily life was probably quite boring.

As an office worker who started work at eight-thirty and left work at five-thirty and spent about two hours a day traveling, more than half of my twenty-four-hour day was set aside. I also wasn't an outgoing or social person who had enough energy to go out after work. When I had a boyfriend, I would sometimes go out with him, but when I didn't have one, every day was spent just waking up, going to work, and returning to my house to sleep. He went like this again and again.

But now, it was quite... slightly different.

Having a friend with benefits had changed my life quite a bit, from going straight back to my house after work, buying takeout from the rice and curry shop near my apartment building for dinner, to being dragged by King to a department store or at a market fair near the condominium to have dinner together. Whenever he wanted to see a movie, he took me with him. When we returned to the apartment, we had sex. Everything we did was almost the same as what I did with my exes, except we were nothing more than fuck buddies.

Once I got into this relationship, I understood why most people in this type of relationship did poorly, why everything was so tempting that you could fall and mistake that friend for your significant other very easily, and when a person gets he felt that way, he was breaking the agreements. Whoever felt that way, therefore, would have tried to hold back the other person while the other person wanted to break up.

Eventually, it would lead to an argument so serious that it would drive those two people apart. But King and I wouldn't have been like that because we both had the same goal: to find a friend who would ease our loneliness. Besides, he wasn't my type, and he might have loved his free single life more than ending that freedom by hooking up with someone at the age of just twenty-seven.

The phone alarm that had been set rang in the silence of the bedroom. I opened my eyelids, while the drowsiness was still present, grabbed my phone to turn off the noise, and closed my eyes for a while. Once I realized I had to go to work that day, I gave up the softness and warmth of the big blanket and sat up in bed.

My bare skin felt the cold in the room. I turned to look to the side. I could see my bedmate's broad, muscular back in the dim light of the lamp. I gently rubbed my eyes to get rid of the drowsiness, got out of bed, went straight to the closet, grabbed a towel and some clothes to wear, and went to the bathroom.

Of the seven days in a week, three times out of seven I had a friend sleep over, so I had to set my alarm earlier than usual because my apartment only had one bathroom and King took forever to wake up before work every day . Therefore, once the alarm went off, I would let him sleep and take the shower first. After I was done with the bath I would wake him up so he could take a bath and get dressed.

I went to the sink, rinsed my face and brushed my teeth. The cold water helped chase away the drowsiness efficiently. I used the towel to dry my face and was about to get into the shower, but then I heard the doorknob turn.

Damn! I forgot to lock the bathroom door.

I sighed, glaring at the tall body of my bed buddy who opened the door and walked in shamelessly naked, straight towards me. I was so used to living alone that I didn't bother locking the door when I went to the bathroom, but I forgot that I wasn't alone at that moment.

"Why are you here?" I asked, but when I looked down at the other person's bottom, I got the answer.

How could I not know the answer when it was so obvious? He stood straight in front of me as if he could hit me in the eye. If I hadn't understood it, I would have been too stupid.

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