SPECIAL 3 - Coffee, Tea Or Me?

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If you asked me if King and I had ever had any problems since we started dating, I would have to say that we had barely had any problems in our relationship. Although our basic habits were somewhat different, we tried to adapt to each other. King was short-tempered, while I was reserved and didn't say or express what I thought. Therefore, we had to work hard to adapt to each other. King tried to control his temper, usually asked my opinions on things and always paid attention to my feelings. As for me, I tried to reveal my feelings to King more and tell him honestly what I liked and what I didn't like. Sometimes it happened that we didn't agree and we got angry about it, but we always tried to discuss it to resolve it as soon as possible.

Before we started dating, our biggest problem was that we weren't honest with each other about our feelings - we were just testing each other's reactions. So, now we were trying to talk so we could understand everything. However, even though we had barely had any problems, that doesn't mean we had never had one. For example, at that time I was starting to think that what I was facing was a big problem.

"Never, prepare to invade. Jade, watch your husband's back."

The low, husky voice that echoed amidst the silence of the large bedroom of a luxury condominium in Silom made me look up at the speaker as I sat in bed with my back against the headboard and headphones in my ears. , watching a series on my laptop. Once I saw my boyfriend's broad back in his pajamas while he was so focused on the computer screen, I exhaled in exhaustion.

Yes, at that time, my boyfriend was really addicted to games.

It was typical of men to love games, but I might have been an exception. I didn't really like playing. First of all, I worked with a computer all day, so I didn't want to stare at the screen for a long time in my free time to ruin my eyesight even more. Second, I wasn't good at games. I had tried playing video games since I was in college with Jade as my coach, but I didn't seem to have any talent for it because no matter how easy the game was, I still managed to lose easily every time. Plus, I didn't like playing games to begin with, so I had simply given up on my attempt.

I sucked at games, but my boyfriend was an expert. I didn't know many details, but I had heard Jade and Gun say that King was good. Furthermore, he really liked to play. Ever since we started working together, every lunch break King would take out his phone to play, and one type of game he was good at was Battle Royale, where you had to plan a fight with other people to survive, which was the type of game I wasn't any good at. The game King was playing religiously at the time was a popular game that everyone played. He had a team of Jade, Mai, and Gun playing alongside him. It seemed like that video game could be really fun because I could hear them talk about it all day while I could only listen to them in silence because I understood absolutely nothing about it.

When we were friends with benefits, when he came to spend the night at my condo or when I spent the night at his place, he never played in front of me, whereas he played on days when we had no plans. Once we became a couple, King had asked me to move into his condo unit to live with him, but at the time I had n't moved in with him permanently, we were still traveling back and forth between mine and his condo of him. However, the fact that I often spent the night at his place di lui had allowed me to see more of my boyfriend's lifestyle di lui and I had discovered that King was somehow heavily addicted to gaming.

How heavy was that addiction? Every day after work, once he arrived at his apartment, he simply froze in front of the computer screen. In fact, before this, he didn't play every day, but in the last two weeks he literally did it every day. Even on weekends, in the evening after dinner, he would play for another five or six hours. I had to listen to him talk to his teammates through the microphone every night. Even though I knew nothing about that game, I heard them talk to each other every day and knew their position on the team: King was the team leader, Jade provided support, Mai was a sniper, and Gun was a spy. They played and said bad words all the time. Sometimes I was already asleep while they were still playing.

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