Chapter 6 - And so it Begins

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The tension between King and me had gradually resolved. After our meeting in the elevator, King and I began to act normally toward each other. This meant that he started teasing me again from time to time, while I sometimes remained indifferent and other times responded as usual. Of course, I wasn't completely back to myself, I still felt a little uncomfortable around King.

It would have taken me a little longer to get over it. At least being able to have normal conversations really helped our work. Plus, Jade didn't have to force a smile when he saw King and me looking at each other the way we had earlier. However, the downside was that Jade had to become a messenger again.

When things between King and I were dark, our colleagues had noticed my bad mood and stopped hanging around me or giving me gifts, but when I was back to normal, they started asking Jade to bring me their gifts, which I was very sorry.

I thought I was clear that I wouldn't get involved with anyone within the same company. Don't they understand human language?

"Nong Uea." The hoarse voice that called my name early in the morning was P'Pong from the Marketing department. I was already fed up from a bag of snacks Jade had just placed on my desk by someone, so I looked over at the thirty-something senior who was walking into my department's office, smiling with a cup of coffee in hand.

"I bought you a coffee." he came towards me and placed the coffee on my desk in full view of some colleagues from my department who were already there.

I looked at the coffee cup before saying clearly, "I'm sorry, but I don't think I'll drink this..."

"You don't drink coffee anymore? Okay, I'll buy you some juice."

"No, it's not that. I won't drink or eat anything. Don't worry about buying me anything anymore." My answer alarmed him.

I stood up, moved a little closer to him and lowered my voice: "It's better for you if you used the time you spend on me to take care of your better half. Her office is right downstairs, right? If she finds out that you're still hitting on someone else while you're dating her, she definitely won't feel comfortable with you."

I took a step back, once I saw his stunned face, I felt pity for a Don Juan like him. In fact, I wanted to say it out loud, loud enough for everyone in the room to hear, but I didn't because I still hoped that he might be able to understand the sins of his ways once he was exposed.

But you can bet that ninety percent of a person like him didn't realize it. Once they do something similar for the first time, they will do it again and again, endlessly.

"Thank you for your kindness, but from now on. don't worry anymore." I placed the coffee cup in his hand and returned to my seat to continue working. Pong ran away from the IT department's office. I looked at him from behind and softly giggled in my throat.

Looks like he won't be joining this department for a while.

"You are so demanding, Mr. Anon. He bought it just for you and brought it to your desk, but you just rejected it. You're so closed off." King said in a mocking voice as Pong disappeared from the department.

"I just wanted to make it clear. I don't act sweet to everyone and give them hope like someone here." I said in a cold voice, turning to look at him.

"It's called 'avoiding hurting someone's feelings.'"

"Really? I call it 'being a casanova'." I replied to the boy who had just twisted my words to justify himself. King shrugged as if he wasn't offended at all; His eyes showed joy at seeing me angry.

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