Chapter 20 - Holding Back

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[King's POV]

On Monday morning, I rushed to the company and went straight to the department office without saying goodbye to either my older or younger colleagues. I didn't stop to say hello to anyone, feeling like I was going crazy.

Uea: Let's stop being friends with benefits.

The short sentence that was sent to me via Line had made me inexplicably anxious. That day, we had had a pretty serious argument. It was my fault for losing my temper with Uea. I was both very worried and subconsciously jealous that I had forgotten to consider his feelings, that he must have been having a difficult time at the time. Once I regained control, I felt guilty and wanted to apologize to him. However, the last time we hadn't been able to talk to each other after Mai's welcome party, I had tried to fix things as soon as possible, and so I had tried to annoy him to find a way to reconcile, but the result had not been good. better. Therefore, this time, I had thought that I shouldn't rush things by approaching as soon as that time, I had intended to wait for a week to pass, wait until we had both calmed down before we could talk rationally, but it seemed that I had taken the bait again wrong decision.

I glanced at the department office. Once I didn't see the person I was looking for, I looked at Jade who looked stressed at his desk as I asked, "Where's Uea? He has not arrived yet? "

"As you can see." He sighed deeply. His face looked stressed.

I picked up the phone to call Uea, but my phone line went dead, causing the answering machine to go.

"Jade, did he call you today?" I turned to ask him. Jade was reluctant.


"Jade." Bas's voice interrupted our conversation. Our supervisor was walking into the room straight towards us, looking worried and sickly. "I met Toon downstairs. He said Uea sent him a resignation email last night. What is it about?"


"He has some personal problems." I heard Jade reply to Bas as I felt like my brain had been zapped. I almost couldn't believe what I had just heard.

I arrived too late. Uea is no longer waiting for me.

"UEA would not abruptly abandon his job in this way. Jade, tell me why you resigned." I forced the answer from my friend in a harsh voice. It was atypical for someone like Uea to abandon his job without giving notice according to company rules. I was very sure Jade knew the reason.

"It is true." Bas also agreed with me.

Jade blinked repeatedly. He looked nervous before grabbing my arm and turning to say to the larger person, "Give us a minute, Phi Bas. I'll be right back to you. As for you, come with me."

Once he finished speaking, he dragged me out of the office, up the fire escape to the mezzanine that had been decorated like a garden that was three floors above our company's office. This garden had been intended by the building owner as a green area, but had ultimately become a smoking area for many employees, including me.

"Tell me. What's really happening? Why did Uea resign?" I asked him as I smoked a cigarette to relieve stress. Jade closed the door and sighed heavily.

"That damn Mr. Krit went to his mother's house yesterday. He may have looked for Uea's address on his job application. When Uea followed him there, he argued badly with his mother. I went to his apartment to comfort him."

Those statements made me clench my fists tightly without realizing it. If that bastard was in front of me now, I would have definitely punched him. He had never stopped annoying Uea, and this time he had been decidedly out of line.

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