Chapter 4 - Mistake

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Most people's lives are not always rosy; You often find yourself overcoming obstacles and making mistakes, and no matter how much you want to go back in time to undo them, you simply can't.

As for me, I had tried so hard not to drown in the past. I had tried to let go of bad things that had happened or mistakes I had made. I looked at them as a sort of lesson and life experience, but what I was experiencing made me really want to travel back in time for the first time.

There had never been a time I wanted to go back in time more than that time.

A ray of light illuminated the room and penetrated my closed eyelids, waking me from sleep. I frowned as dizziness overcame me as soon as I regained consciousness.

It took me a while to realize that I had such a splitting headache because I'd drank too much the night before.

I exhaled a long breath and rolled over under the blanket. Suddenly, I felt painful pangs shoot up from my lower body up my spine. I was stunned when I realized something was wrong: I only remembered drinking. It was impossible to feel pain all over my body as if I had been exercising in the process. Furthermore, the strong cold of the blanket on my body seemed too noticeable as if it directly covered my naked body with no clothes in between. Furthermore, my backside too... was painful, severely inflamed and moist as if there was something left inside.

I opened my eyes. My heart was pounding with terror. The unfamiliar cream ceiling clearly indicated that this was not my bedroom. The faint memories slowly slipped into my mind. I looked to my side, praying with all my heart that what I thought hadn't happened.

The naked, broad, tanned back of a man appeared before my eyes. There were some scratches on the strong muscles of that back. His lower half was covered by the same blanket that covered my body! Just at first glance, I almost fainted, because even though I could only see his back, it looked frighteningly familiar.

The warm touches and low moans flashed through my memory. I almost might have shot myself once I realized what had happened the night before.

The night before I was very drunk and had accidentally gone to bed with...


The boy who was sleeping with his back to me started to move. I jumped up quickly without thinking about the pains that shot through my body so sharply that my legs trembled. Then I tore off my clothes that were left next to the bed. When I saw the blue shirt that had been left messily next to mine, I almost went crazy.

Damn!! Because he?!

I looked around and noticed a door leading to the bathroom from the bedroom. I went straight to the bathroom before slamming the door shut and walked over to look at myself in the mirror. Stressed, I unconsciously pursed my lips when I noticed that they were reddish and swollen, while my white-skinned body was covered in pale redness of bruises, especially on the sides of my neck and on my chest, as if they were there to reiterate that what had happened the night before wasn't just a dream.

The effects of alcohol had completely erased my consciousness – everything was so blurry and unclear – but I seemed to remember that I didn't object and that I even wanted that touch that caressed my whole body!

It certainly wasn't the first time I'd had sex, but it was the first time I'd had it with someone I didn't love. Even if I wanted it to be just a nightmare, God wouldn't have been so kind to me.

The strong slimy feeling down there added more stress to me, so I decided to quickly get in the shower to rinse that undesirable thing off my body. I wearily put on my clothes which were filled with the smell of liquor and stared at the bathroom door hesitantly for a while before resigning myself and opening the door to go out and face reality.

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