Chapter 17

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                                                                     JESSICA P.O.V

We were sitting cross-legged on the comfy bed of some random hotel. You must be wondering, why we came to a hotel? Well I guess from being absent for so many days, the principal of both the girls and boys dorms, didn't feel the need to tell us that they were going on a field-trip. And they would lock all the doors! So that's how we were in some hotel room, sitting on the bed, cross-legged facing each other. I had no coffee with me, and Louis challenged me on who can stay up the longest. Without my coffee I am nothing. My eyes are drooping, and it's getting harder to look at Louis, with a clear eye. I'm squinting, and I can't help it. I'm feeling exhausted. I collapse in Louis's arms, immediately

"Yes!! I win!" He screams happily. He kisses me on the forehead and he smiles at me. I stare at his blue eyes. They're so pretty. 

"Ugh! Your eyes!" I say sitting up, pouting.  

"What?" He asks feeling quite amused.

"You have blue yes! I'm so jealous of you," I say.

He comes closer to me and hugs me. "You love my eyes? Well you know what's even better? You," he whispers in my ear, causing me to shiver. He laughs, then gets up, and tucks me in bed. I don't care how old I am. I always need someone to tuck me in. "In two days, we're going to Birmingham, for our Take Me Home Tour. You, Danielle, Allie, and Perrie are all coming with us." He says kissing my cheek. He pushes me closer to the edge of the bed, to make room for himself.

"Have you heard? The personal bubble has been invented," I say over sarcastically, trying to push him off the bed. No luck.

He smirks, then ruffles my hair, which I adore. "Jess, stop trying," He says with an amusing look.

I stand up on the bed.. All the energy, has come back to me, because suddenly i'm not feeling sleepy anymore. Or am I? (A/N You'll find out later, why I said ''Or Am I"? So don't get confused:) 

"Jessica, what are you doing?" Louis asks. " You could hurt yourself! Get down," He commands.

I stick my tongue at him. There's no way, I would get down, unless he'd give me something.

He sighs. "What do you want from me Jessica?" He asks throwing his hands up in the air.

Well...that was easy." I think to myself. 

"I!" I say in a high baby voice, which makes Louis laugh.

"Ice-cream? At 3 o' clock in the morning?" He says surprised. Well he should be, because this girlie girl is FULL of surprises.

"yep," I say popping the "P". 

"Honey bun, where am I going to get ice-cream for you? Room service here, isn't 24/7."

"You idiot, I never said I wanted room service ice-cream! Bleh," I say sticking my tongue out in discust.

"Okay Jessica,which flavor do you want your specially made ice-cream?" He asks.

"Chunky Monkey!" I exclaim, jumping making the bed creak.

He groans. "I was hoping you'd say chocolate or vanilla, but Chunky Monkey? What is that?" He asks, in defeat.

"Only found in Ben & Jerry's!" I say, in a british accent.

He gets up, takes a Starbucks Mocha Chocolate coffee, from the fridge, wears his amazing leather jacket, and takes his car keys.

"Let's go get you, your chunky monkey," He says shaking his head. 

I run up to him, and give him a tight squeeze, and a quick peck on the lips. As fast as I can, I put on my northface jacket, that I recently bought, and interwine both mine and Louis's finges together. He swipes the Hotel Card, and we head out. There's only one thing in my mind right now:

The fun has just begun.

*2 hours later*

"Jessica! We've been looking in all the Ben & Jerry's! They are all closed! Can I just get it for you tomorrow please?" He begged rubbing his eyes.

He still didn't get the clue. I just wanted to win our contest, that we had earlier, on who can stay up the longest. I'll wait for him to snooze off, then i'll scream "I WON!" But seriously,  Who would have the urge to get ice-cream at 5 a.m in the morning? Definitely not me.

"Fine!" I say, giving him a glare, which is actually fake. 

Just then, we here a loud voice, which appears to be on top of a shop, who's name I can't make out of. "I LOVE YOU KIMBERLY!" The guy shouts. "I Love you too Jake," the girl says. Then Jake jumps down, and kisses Kimberly. Jake, poliltely escorts Kimberly in the car, and they drive off.

"awwwwwww," I coo. Louis starts climbing on top of a shop, ten times bigger than the one, Jake climbed. "Louis! You are going to fall! Get down this instant!" I scream in terror.  Louis sticks his tongue out me, and starts jumping. That maniac has the nerves to jump?

"I LOVE YOU JESSICA!" He screams from the top of his lungs.  "I LOVE YOU, MUAH!" He says giving me an air kiss. He cautiously climbs down, and runs up to me. His fingers curled around mine and he pulls me back into his strong arms. Louis tips my chin up with a gentle finger. His hand moved to my cheek, and touches it in a soft caress. "I love you to the moon and back. Maybe even farther," he whispered. Then Louis leaned down, and his lips met mine under the stars. At that moment, nothing mattered: not the stars and moon that watched from above. All that mattered was here, now. And the fact that Louis loved me was all that counted.

I know I know short chapter! You know what's the wierd thing? I wrote this on the day of my sister's wedding. I actually brought my fat laptop to my sister's wedding. Everyone was staring, but eh. who cares. It's over now. How did everyone like this chapter? Comment/Vote/And follow me, if you already haven't! *Remember! Comment, cuz I pick a random commenter, and I will dedicate the chapter to you! Until next time....

~Sorry, Niall ate this signature.

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