Chapter 18

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Everything was dark. I turned over and moaned,"Where's the light switch......" I was still deep in shadows. Wait...... oh wow. My eyes were shut. I slowly lifted one heavy eyelid and glanced around blearily. My eyes fell on a Louis, with an amused expression on his sexy face. 

"Nice bed hair Jessie," He says looking at me.

Oh. Shit. Jessie! How did he know my embarrasing nickname?

He was looking through something in his hands, which looked something similar to a stack of photos. Some girl with bad hair was smiling with no two-front teeth. I got up and went by Lou, to get a closer look. 

crap. That girlie was me. Just then my phone rang loud, making Louis scream, and drop the photos. Score [1] for my iPhone.

"I think you forgot, but we scheduled a shoot...I don't know 2 WEEKS AGO?" The lady from Starr Magazine barked. 

"I'm on my way!" I holler into the phone, as fast as I can, grab a vintage strapless rose dress, and scram in the bathroom. I put it on, and head out, and comb my hair. As I put on earrings, Louis straightens my hair.

"Do you even know how to straighten hair?" I ask, looking at him, my earrings dangling.

"I've seen stylists do it for our backup dancers." He says pecking me on the cheek. He finishes and yanks out the plug. I grab my purse, and head out, while Louis follows. We both get in the car, and he starts the car, and heads on. 

" do you know my nickname, Jessie?" I ask worried. If he knew the story behind the nickname, I would be embarrased for life.

"Zachary," He says smirking.

"D-do you know the story behind it?" I ask.

"What story?" He asks jolting the car with the brakes.

I laugh. "Just kidding Lou, now start driving, or else i'll be late," I say. He actually believes me, and starts driving again. Finally he stops the cars, adn I get out, and head toward the huge building. I enter, then immeadiately a crowd of people rush towards me.

"She's gorgeous!" One guy says fixing his tie.

"Look at that body! Her hair! Her beautiful eyes!" A woman exclaims.

"No wonder Louis picked her as his girlfriend, I bet she's wonderful," A sightly old woman says.

I blush. I'm clearly not used to the fact that i'm Louis's girlfriend. Whenever someone says those two words Louis's Girlfriend Butterflies erupt in my stomach.

"Excuse me, i'm guessing your Jessica? A bubbly woman asks smiling.

"Yes, that's me!" I reply.

"Well, my name is Donna, Donna Karen," she says reaching out her hand to shake mines.

"Come this way, and we'll get you set up," She says leading the way. I follow her into a big room. She ushers me to sit in a comfy chair, and I obey.  "Your stylist will be here any minute," She says checking her watch.  The stylist stolls in, and to my surprise, it's a girl. Mostly guys take over this sort of stuff. Donna winks, then leaves the room. I can feel all eyes on me, from the windows.

"We'll make your hair a little wavy, adn then we'll start on the make-up!" The lady exclaims.

"By the way, i'm Alice," She says smiling.

"Jessica," I say smiling right back at her.

She waves my hair, and then starts on my make-up.

"I don't need to put on too much make-up, because you are already beautiful!" She says slightly pinching my cheek. She applies lipstick, then starts on my eyelashes. When she's finally done, she spins me towards the mirror, and not to brag, but I look fabuLOUIS!

"You look fabuLOUIS!" Alice excliams.

Wow....mind reader much?!

Let's head down to the shoot she says leading the way. Alice hands me some cute high heels, and tells me to put it on. I sit on a nearby loveseat, and put it on. 

"Jessica! Baby, you look brilliam!" She exclaims, eying me up and down. The only thing I can do, is smile. And that's what I do.

"We'll take a couple of pictures, and decide together, which one is the best. Then I'll publish it on Cosmo Girl. Sounds like a plan?" She says.

I bob my head excitedly. After I stopped, my head felt like it was going to fall off. So much for the enthusiasm. The photographer took some shots in different positions.

"Okay that's enough shots! Deciding time!" She says excitedly. We all gather around the camera, and finally we decide on one. A/N (IMAGE ON SIDE)

"Great work Jessica! I need you back here tomorrow, for some interviews!" Donna says.

My career is getting better and better by the day.

I know the idea @1DAshley gave me, isn't this one. But an idea popped up as soon as she said those THE BOY IN THE TOMS IN BACK IN BUSINESS!! While your at it, check out my Zayn Malik fanfic, The Bradford Bad Boy please?

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