Chapter 4

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Waking up to the morning sun shining on my face, I rub my eyes to shake away the drowsiness. My body was sore all over from sleeping on a tree.

I untied the bandages that tied me to the tree and slowly got down from the tree.

The horned rabbit meat looked to be done drying, so I collected it and packed it to the brim into my dried meat pouch.

Then I prepare all my things and sigh; this will be another day of grueling walking.

The walk was hell; my legs and feet were already dead yesterday and are now even dead.

Today I am going to a spring that was on my map before it gets dark. Then tomorrow, it should only be a few hours walk to Farsborow.

The sun is about to set when I reach the spring. I collapsed, face flat on the ground again from my legs giving out on me.

"Man, I really hate walking."

I made a campfire and was relaxing by it, eating some dried horn rabbit meat I'd made yesterday.

Thinking of what I should do when I reach Farsborow, I should first register as an adventurer at the guild, do some quests, train myself to a level I'm satisfied with, get a sense of what life is like for an adventurer, and maybe look for Norn if she also got reincarnated like me, but I should set my expectations low since I don't think it's likely.

Also, I'm going to disguise myself to make it even harder for people to find me.

My silver hair makes me stand out quite a lot because there aren't many commoners with the same hair color as me.

I gathered my hair into a ponytail and held my knife, then I cut off my hair.

Holding my hair, which I just cut off, I stare at it for a moment.

"Guess I don't need this anymore."

I toss it away in the fire, watching it burn.

When it finished burning, I took a piece of charcoal out of the campfire with a stick, placed it on a rock, added some water from my flask, and began to crush it into a paste with the butt of my knife.

Let's see how well it will work as a hair dye.

I began scrubbing it all over my silver hair, then I went to the spring to see my reflection in the moonlight.

My hair turned more of an ashen black color; it did the job of making my hair stand out less.

With my short black hair and clothes, I now look a lot more boyish and different from how I used to look.

Now that I'm done dying my hair, I guess I'll turn in for the night. I went up a tree last night, tied myself to it, and slept on a branch.

I woke up to my body completely sore again, and I honestly didn't want to get up, but I packed all my things and walked onward to Farsborow.

After only a few hours of walking, I finally made it to Farsborow.

Looking at the town, it was a big town with high stone walls surrounding it.

I looked further to see that people were waiting in line by a gate, so I went and waited in line.

The line took around 10 minutes of waiting for me to reach the front.

By the time it was my turn, the guard asked for my name and business for being in Farsborow.

"My name is Nyx, and I came here to become an adventurer."

"So you're planning to be an adventurer. Do you have any form of identification?"

"Sorry, but I don't have any."

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