Chapter 18

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Waking up, I heard somebody knocking on my door, then someone's voice.

"Hey Nyx, are you okay?"

Recognizing the voice to be Rain's voice asking me if I was okay, I groan getting up. Everything hurts from pushing my body to its limits yesterday. I really didn't want to get out of bed but with much effort I got up.

I'm starting to regret my decision to fight the direwolf if it would be this hard to get up from my cozy bed.

Yawning then rubbing my eyes, I wonder why she is here, knocking the door and what not.

"Ya ya, I'm coming"

Standing up, my body felt lethargic and sore all over. My left arm, compared to yesterday, was healing way faster than I expected but still in a condition where I couldn't use it.

I sluggishly make my way to the door and open it.

"Hi there Rain, what brings you here"

I saw Rain had a relieved expression seeing me.

"You didn't come to our meeting spot. I waited for a while but you didn't show up, I was worry something happen to you so I came to your room"

I look back out at the window in my room to see the sun was high up in the sky, realizing that I slept in and it was noon already.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I slept in, sorry for making you worry"

"Thank goodness, and how are your injuries?"

"Fine I guess. Just give me a minute to me to get ready"

I closed the door and took a while to change into new clothes, struggling since my left arm was still broken. When I was done, I felt like I had forgotten something.

Oh right, I looked around my room to find where I left the 2 vials of potions Maria gave me. She told me to drink them once a day, in which my left arm and other injuries should be healed.

I found them on a tiny table next to my bed, I uncorked one of them and drank it.

After drinking the potion, I bought Rain and myself a sandwich for lunch since it was the afternoon and I was hungry. Then we went to the guild, eating our sandwiches on the way.

I noticed that the air of the town was different. It wasn't as bustling as usual, there was this sense of unease and impatience in the air.

When we entered the guild building, I saw that it was way more crowded than usual. A lot of adventurers were inside, they were either chatting, eating, or looking at the request board.

I'd ask the closest adventurer on what was going on.

"You haven't heard? A direwolf attacked a party yesterday, so the guild put out a temporary travel ban, in and out of town"

I see, no wonder the town feels a bit different today.

"Is there anything else?"


The guy rubbed his chin and said.

"I heard rumors that a newbie managed to take it down. If it's true, then I wonder who they are?"

"Who they are"

"Ya, it's a shame that the guild is hiding their identity, I really wanted to invite them into my party"

So then, I guess I owe Emma for that.

I thanked the guy and waited in line for Emma's booth with Rain.

Aias: from a world of kaijus to a world of fantasy and magicOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz