Chapter 15

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I tried getting up but I realized I couldn't move my left arm.

Looking at my left arm, it wasn't good. Several large holes that look to be bite marks covered all over my left arm. It was kinda bending in places that it isn't supposed to be.

I could taste iron on my tongue, it looked like I took some internal damage as well. Additionally I believe I'd crack a rib or two because I was finding it extremely hard to breathe due to it hurting so much.

I can't believe I misplaced a step, it wouldn't be something that would never happen to me. Oh right... I'm not a pilot anymore, all of my enhancements, cybernetics, and augmentations are gone now.

"Heh heh, hahahahaha"

I laughed, ignoring all the pain from my injuries, and forced myself to get up.

How long have I felt this amount of pain?

The edges of my lips grew bigger and bigger into a mad smile as I gaze upon the direwolf. Instead of my mind being dull from the pain, my mind became increasingly more focused from it.

So this is what it feels like to genuinely have your arm broken.

When I was still a pilot, me and Norn were connected to our Aias, meaning that we could feel any damage that comes to our Aias.

We have times where we have our limbs of our Aias broken, mangal, or just rip off on more than one occasion. I even remember a particular time where a kaiju with a knife shaped head ram through the chest of our Aias, nearly hitting the core in the process.

Suffice it to say I have an incredibly high tolerance for pain, it was all part of the fun.

As I was laughing, for some reason the direwolf didn't attack me, looking a bit startled once I was laughing. I looked at it and saw that it also wasn't looking so good, looking like it could barely even stand. Then it collapsed, good, so then the poison finally kicked in.

I took out a health potion with my good arm, which was another thing I'd ask Maria to make since it was way cheaper than buying from a merchant.

I uncorked it with my teeth and poured most of it on my left arm. Not sure how much a low-grade health potion would heal but it should at least stop the bleeding. Then I drank the rest, it tasted really bitter but I didn't care about the taste right now and gulped it down.

We were staring at each other and we charged at each other again.

The direwolf jumps to pounce on me but it had way less of its ferocity when you compare it to when I first saw it. It is due to the poison and the injuries I cause, which causes it to tumble onto the ground.

I seized the opportunity and bash it on the head with my sword again, leaving an x shape mark on its head and another dent on my sword.

It tried to bite as it was still on the ground but I dodge it with the minimum amount of movement and I swing back with my sword.

With each attack the dire wolf did, I just moved out of the way and counterattack anywhere I thought I could pierce it.

Right now, I was solely focusing on fighting the direwolf even more than before, to a point that everything seems to slow down, similar to when I was still a pilot.

Any damage I did was minimal but it was adding up.

Over time the direwolf was moving increasingly more sluggish. Each slash I made, despite it being not much, was stacking and was making a difference.

Its underbelly was all torn up and I'd already severed all its tendons, I'm kinda surprised that it was even standing.

I find it really amusing because it kinda reminded me of fighting the particularly stronger kaijus I faced in my past life. Like them, it doesn't seem to die easily.

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