Chapter 13

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The next day I woke up and met up with Rain, same time as yesterday by the guild.

After entering into a horned rabbit quest, we were walking down the road, to the trail we used to look for horned rabbits.

A horned rabbit jumped out onto the road as we were going to the trail.

Rain enthusiastically or I should say desperately attacked it before I could draw my sword, it was almost as if she didn't want me to fight.

Works for me, horned rabbits are not that fun to fight.

I guess I don't really have to worry about her anymore when I leave for Acton.

Speaking of leaving.

"By the way Rain, I'm going to be leaving in a few days"

"You're leaving...?"

"Ya, I'm taking on an escort quest to Acton"

Rain was a bit sad and surprised when I said that I was leaving.

"You can come if you want"

"Sorry I can't because of my circumstances, I can't really leave Forsborrow"

"What kind of circumstances?"

"I can't say too much on it but you could say it's family"


It's her family circumstances again, I wonder what kind it was, but I shouldn't really push it any further since I have my own family circumstances to deal with.

"So, what are you going to do in Acton"

"Dive into the Dradevow dungeon and learn magic"

"Wait! You can use magic?"

Rain was surprised by a misunderstanding, so I corrected her.

"No, I just want to learn how to make magical tools"

"Oh, I see. But why do you want to make magical tools?"

I took out the adventurer card that the adventurer guild recently implemented and I told her my goal to figure out a way to make magical tools, like the card I was holding, that can be used by normal people who can't use magic.

After seeing the adventurers guild card, I wonder if I could replicate something similar to it.

"That's a big goal to have."

"Ya, don't worry I'll come back by if there is an opportunity to do so"

As we walked, for some reason something seemed off. Usually there would be more people traveling along the road but there were only a few.

Then I spotted an adventurer running, no sprinting down the road.


The guy was gasping between breaths as he stopped in front of us.

"There... there's a direwolf."

Rain and I were surprised, hardly believing what we heard from the guy. There shouldn't be any dangerous monsters near us since this is Farborrow, a beginner adventurers town, so they only have low level monsters, especially direwolves which are B rank monsters.

No, he said it was a single direwolf, so it goes down to a C rank monster which is only rank B because of them always staying in packs. It led to the question of why there is a direwolf separate from its pack.

"I... I need to get help, for everyone so they won't die"

With that, the guy continued running with even more desperation in his eyes.

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