Chapter 17

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"Nyx, Nyx! Please wake up!"

I was woken up violently from my nostalgic dream to see Rain was shaking me back and forth.

"Alright, Alright, I'm up"

Rain stopped shaking me and hugged me tightly when I responded. Then she let go and started to sob uncontrollably.

"I ran when Ned told me you ran off to lead away the direwolf! I thought, I thought..."

Oh, she met up with Ned, that's why she found me so fast.

"It wasn't a big deal"

"What do you mean? I'd thought you were dead!"

She then proceeded to shake me again, back and forth, back and forth, back and forth, even harder than before

Rain please stop, everything hurts. I was thinking these thoughts in my mind but couldn't say anything because I was beginning to feel very light headed, probably from all the blood I had lost, by her shaking.

My vision was starting to go black. Yep, I'm blacking out now.

"Oh no, stay awake Nyx, stay awake..."

I came back after blacking out for what seemed like a couple minutes, seeing Rain this time being more cautious and not shaking me this time, then Rain asking me if I was alright.

"Ya, I'm fine"


Rain was being apologetic from making me black out.

I looked around to see that there wasn't just Rain here anymore, there were other adventures that I didn't recognize except for one, it was Cade who was among them.

Cade approached us with a grin.

"So, was it a good fight?"

I'd reply back with a yes.

It was really fun, nothing beats the thrill of fighting something that will give you a challenge. The rush of adrenaline and the pain of being injured, causing your mind to be so focused on trying to survive and kill each other, they're sensations I haven't felt in a long time.

"Anyways, how hurt are you?"

"Well you could see my left arm is in bad shape"

I have several big bite marks, each about 2 centimeters in diameter, in addition to it being broken.

"Also I think I crack a rib or two and hit my head pretty hard"

All in all I could manage.

"I see, here"

Cade took a healing potion out of one of his pouches.

"It's a low-grade healing potion"


"Sorry I can't give you anything better, I might need my own just in case. I can't thank you enough after you took down the direwolf and saved the lives of the other adventurers. As the guildmaster, it's the least I could do"

"Huh? Guildmaster!?"

It could be the blood loss but I might have misheard him.

"Yep, that's me. Surprise?"

Cade had a grin like a kid who was boasting about something.

"I don't really interact with the newbies much since becoming guildmaster, I'm really busy with doing paperwork, so I don't interact much with the newbies. Since there was a direwolf, I wanted to stretch my legs for a bit. But I really found something more interesting and that is you Nyx."

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