Chapter 20

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Nothing of note happened as I was staring out the back of the wagon. We didn't encounter any monsters, so I got really bored after a while.

When the sun was about to set, we reached our first stop. It was a campsite off the side of the road.

We set up camp, made a fire, and ate dinner. I ate some crackers and dried meat, happy that I didn't have to break a tooth eating any traveler's bread like the other adventurers I was looking at.

After we were done eating, I and half of the adventurers were scheduled to be on night watch. The other half followed the merchants to the wagons to go to sleep, so we could change shifts in the middle.

Tending to the campfire to pass the time, I occasionally stared up at the night sky.

It was really quiet with the exception of the wind and insects, I had the opportunity to appreciate the starry night sky.

Come to think of it, I never actually noticed how beautiful it was when I saw them. Even though there was no light pollution in this world, I never really took the opportunity to look at them.

"Hey Nyx. Hraaaaaaah"

Yawning, Ned had woken up and walked up to me from the wagon.

"It's time to change shifts. Go wake up Oliver and go to sleep"

"Got it"

I headed into the wagon I was guarding, woke up Oliver and told him that it was his turn to do night watch.

After seeing Oliver grogaly get off the wagon, I wrapped myself with my cloak like a blanket to keep me warm and drifted off to sleep.

When it was morning, Ned woke me up and my body was all stiff from sleeping on a wagon.

I'm really not going to get used to sleeping outside without a bed.

We had a short breakfast because the merchants wanted to depart early.

Today we were traveling to a neighboring town next to Farsbarow, which was one of the pit stops on our way to Acton.

Same as yesterday, nothing of note happened and I got really bored till we reached the town just after the sun set.

"Want to get something to eat with us?"

We had just checked into an inn and Ned asked if I wanted to come eat with his party.

I said I was fine by it and Ned led me and the rest of the party to a tavern close by.

We entered a tavern and sat at an empty table. I saw that some of the merchants and other adventurers were already eating.

A server approached us to tell us what they have for tonight.

Thinking of what to get, I got roasted boar, bread, and soup.

"You're not going to get something to drink?"

Carl asks why I didn't get some ale.

I replied back that I did not like alcohol in general. Even in my past life, I never really get why people even drink alcohol in the first place, it honestly tastes really nasty and bitter to me.

"That's a real shame"

Then he asks.

"What are you going to do tomorrow? We got a bit of time tomorrow till we depart"

Since we arrive here at night, the merchants are going to do some trading with the townspeople in the morning, so we got about 2 hours of free time.

"Replenish my supplies then explore the town"

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