Chapter 7

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"I'm married now, and I have a wife to protect so I'm going to add some better security to the house."

Peter puts his hands on his hips and look at him."Really nephew there's no need."

"We went through the back door so there was no way for you to know we were out here. Yet here you are. Did you bug his house?" Ask Stiles.

"Isn't that why you're out here in the forest?" Answers Peter cooly.

"How long have you had cameras in your nephew's house Uncle?"

"I don't know what you mean Mrs Hale." Peter answers.

Stiles walks besides him and look him up and down, "You are not welcome in my home anymore. We will find the cameras and take down every single one."

"I don't know what you're talking about niece."

Derek stands by his wife's side and places an arm around her. "You have really disappointed me uncle. My wife and I stand in agreement you're not welcome in my home anymore. You violated my trust and did something unforgivable for reasons I don't know."

"I was just looking out for you dear nephew?"

"How is putting cameras into my home without my knowledge or agreement looking out for me. Where in my house are they?"

Peter doesn't say anything for a moment, "It doesn't matter I'll walk back with you and take them down."

"We are an hour away from our house you must have gotten here very early Peter."

"You know what Stiles, I don't like you and why couldn't I hear your conversation at the breakfast table earlier?"

Derek punches him and he falls over. "How sad is it I don't know if he is truly knocked out or if he is faking it."

"Derek let's go and leave him here. The rat will find his way back home, I'm sure."

Sighing Derek takes Stiles hand and leads her back towards his back yard. When they both knew they were far enough away from Peter. Stiles asks the uncomfortable question, "How much of our conversation do you did he heard?"

"It doesn't matter this land is ours and he is trespassing on it. We need to go home and search for the cameras."

"And the microphones don't forget that piece of information."

"I can't believe he did this. I mean we aren't that close even though we are only five years apart."

"Oh god dinner."

"Stiles if he shows his face there. I'll tell everyone what he did."

"We need to tell them anyhow. Suppose he has cameras in your sisters and parent's homes.

"That sick son of a .."

"Unfortunately my people can't come until Peter's car is gone from  our house. Do point to it when we get home will you,"

"I'm surprise you don't know the license plate number."

"Actually I do but I can't be bothered to check the licence place numbers of every car on the street."

"He is going to come here when we are at dinner to get rid of the cameras and microphones."

"I know Derek unfortunately there's nothing we can do about that. He needs to be caught red handed by the police?"

He runs a hand through his hair, "Why did it take you for me to see he's no good and I'm a cop?"

"He's family so you trust him completely."

We need to conference call the family as soon as we get back and tell them the truth. We can't wait for dinner."

"You're right my people will go in with the police and check your family's place over."

"Thank you, wait how will your people get permission to go with the police and check the home?"

"There has been couple newbies at the police station recently, right?"

Realisation dawns on Derek, "Oh my gosh you planted them there."

"Yes I did. I needed to know what your character was like?"

"You could've just asked."

She looks at his outfit he was wearing shorts and a t-shirts. "It's good that you have no pockets that way Peter couldn't plant a bug in it."

Derek feels in his shorts pocket and pulls out a small device. Startled he looks at Stiles who takes the device from him. We are out of range I know this device he can't hear us. She throws it into a pond, "I need to get security for this forest. Since it's private land we can do whatever, we want."

She makes a phone call, "Hi it's me you need to bug Peter Hales house. He had cameras and bugs in Derek's house we can't remove it till the police find them. His relative's homes need to be checked as well. When we have spoken to his family, I'll let you know it's safe to go in."

"I really want to know why he was bugging my house and I suspect all the family's homes."

"Unfortunately we will not find the answers to that question today. We can however tell your family to be weary of him and enjoy our time with them."

"Why couldn't Peter hear us at breakfast?" Ask Derek.

"I'm naturally suspicious so I had my "friend" put a scrambler in every room of the house."

"Thank god you did or Peter would have heard our conversation this morning. I'm sorry we haven't been married five days but you have to deal with my treacherous uncle."

"We have the rest of our lives to be together. I'm not going to let him spoil my wedding bliss and you shouldn't either."

He takes her hand and raises it to his lips, "Thank you for your support."

"Always husband."

"You enjoy calling me that don't you?"

"You will be my only one so yes I very much enjoy calling you that."

They arrive back at Derek's home and make their way inside it then Derek walks them to the front pouch and points out Peter's car to Stiles. She walks over to it and places a tracker on it."

"Good let him taste get a taste of being watched for a change."

"The man is smart Derek."

"Yes he is but I'm smarter. Let's go for a walk around the neighbourhood unless you have done enough walking for the day."

"I would like to eat at the diner in town."

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