chapter 18

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He places her gently on the floor, "I'm going to make an appointment to see my regular doctor tomorrow."

"You want her to confirm the pregnancy. We could just go and buy a pregnancy test."

"I know but she needs to know I'm pregnant so she can look after me."

He takes her into the living room where balloons and streamers were up. She sees a congratulations sign hang up. "Oh Derek this is so sweet of you do do this."

"I'm happy."

"I didn't ask how did your second meeting with those two world leaders go?"

"Something one of the African Prime Minister said to me got me thinking. He said wouldn't it be a shame if this pandemic  continues."

"It's too soon to call it a pandemic although the way the numbers are rising it would soon be one."

"I know. What if it was man made to cause maximum damage like SARS was."

"The question crossed my mind too. I hope the dear doctor isn't dead."

"Well darling punishment is your domain so she's alive."

"Good please tell me she refused to talk those are my favourite people."

"She is scared of her backers."

"That's good it means we can scare her more."

"I looked through some tapes from the hosptial going back three weeks. I know who she has spoken to the most and where she went. She doesn't have the qualifications to get her role. The previous hosptial manger is nowhere to be found."

"Yes he is. He thought there was a mole in the place so he "Resigned" and promoted her."

"That would mean he KNEW she was the mole."

"Derek, Jordan Parrish is extremely good at his Job if he promoted her. It was because he saw the bigger picture. Her position meant she was where they wanted her to be."

"That's a good plan and I can see why you never mentioned it while we were in the hosptial. Where is Jordan now?"

"He's working in Italy with Paul."

"I need to set up a meeting with him."

"Right now I would just like my husband to cuddle with me on the sofa."

"I can do that."

Derek sits with her and she rest her head against his shoulder and he put a movie on. When it was over they walk in the kitchen. Stiles opens the fridge and takes out some sandwiches. She starts plating some up for her and Derek.

"Stiles your only job for the next week is to rest you heard the doctor. More importantly you're one you know this."

It's just a sandwich Derek."

"Go back into the living room or go up to bed and I'll bring you a selection up."

"Fine but I want homemade pizza for tea."

"Don't worry Stiles you will get it."

"I'm glad I'm not going through whatever is happening in the world right now by myself," says Stiles.

"You are not the only one we need to make sure the fridges and freezer is jam packed. The pantry needs to be fuller than what it is currently.  If for whatever reason we can't leave the house I want at least four months worth of food in this house."

Stile salutes him, "Yes boss. Who knew you were a prepper."

"I don't have a clue what that is but if this pandemic gets worse the country will need to be locked down."

"By lockdown you mean?"

"Going out for essentials only."

Stiles sits down, "Would you really that do?"

"If I must I must."

"I'll speak to Danvers and make sure we have the essentials, toilet roll, water that sort of thing."

"Thank you."

She hugs him, "We are in this together."

"I know."

That night Derek calls his parents to let them know Stiles was out of the hospital then he calls his Uncle Peter. "Nephew it's been a while."

"I need you to look after mum and dad for me. Make sure their house has enough food to last them for couple months."

"You're going to lockdown the country?" Ask Peter.

"Why would I a guy that works at a security firm lockdown a country? Your imagination is playing with you Uncle."

"I need to tell you something nephew, Danvers is my brother. Your grandmother adopted me when I was a child. I was placed here to protect you should the need arise."

"Is that what the cameras are about protecting me?"

"The widow or dead woman walking as Paul calls her kept trying to get into your house. Why do you think she is trying so hard to date you."

Derek sits up in bed, "I still don't trust you."

"Naturally, also the police station is involved in something very dark. I have spent years trying to figure it out to no avail."

Derek ask Danvers to come into his bedroom where he shows him Peter on video call.

"I see you know the secret sir. Hello big brother." Danvers waves at his brother.

"John it's good to see you again."

"Danvers if Stiles wasn't such a stickler for tradition. I would demote you right now," says Derek.

"You're right little brother he is the right man for the job. Now if I may nephew your mother doesn't trust me."

"I'll call her and explain everything was a mistake and drop the charges against you. It was someone else who tried to break into my house not you."

"Thank you nephew."

"Just make sure you and the rest of the family are all together because once we lockdown other countries will follow. Let me know when you and Mum are reconciled. Once you have made sure the family shops for what it needs I'll  lockdown the country. My house is very secure no one can break in. Stiles places is safe as well please persuade my sisters to get better security for their homes. Please make sure they have a home to go back to. Mum needs security cameras in her house and I was compromised."

"Oh you mean dead woman walking she can't talk anymore."

"You know uncle when you smile at me like that it gives me chills."

"My job was to keep you alive in case you were needed. How do you think I kept you from assassins and other enemies. It wasn't my good looks and charms."


"Yes Stiles."

"If you know who Derek is then you know who I am."

He gulps, "I'm going to suffer aren't I?"

"I'm glad you know me so well. For now please keep my in laws safe."

"Will do ma'am."

Derek ends the call and ask Danvers if the pizza was ready.

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