Chapter 22

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Derek was surprised at that news but says nothing for a moment. "Have the people around the president been arrested?" He ask.

"Yes sir Scotland Yard has started making inquires."

"Good when the president dies I want his body move to a secure location. We can use the lockdown as an excuse for not flying it to his homeland."

"So you have decided to lockdown the country."

"Yes I have and get me the British prime minister on the phone. On second thoughts I want him here in thirty minutes."

"It's still early sir he maybe still sleeping."

"Erica it's coming up to nine o'clock if that man is still in bed he may find himself without a job soon."

Erica swallows and starts making a call. Derek walks to his office and sits behind his desk. He picks up a photograph of two children playing. A boy of seven and a girl of five. He smiles you're a sly one Stiles or should I say Annalise. The photo wasn't there before and he wasn't stupid enough to have family photos in the office.

He remembers him and Stiles playing outside her house and her grandmother Rachel baking them cookies. I knew you when we were younger he thought. I should be shocked at that news but I'm not because how else would I have married a stranger. He read about suppression of memories before so he knew what he had done. My army training wasn't army training. I was here in England learning from her brother and promptly forgot my training. He thinks to himself how did Annalise know the photo would trigger my memories?

He turns on his computer then he calls Peter, "Nephew."

"I told you to bug my house didn't I?"

"You remembered?"

"Yes but not everything."

"Unfortunately you and I can't talk like we need to. Your parents are sitting right beside me. You remembered to pick up that birthday present right. I won't say for who I don't want to spoil the surprise."

"Please put mom on the phone."

There's silence for a moment then he heard his mother's soft voice. "Derek is anything wrong?"

"Of course not mum everything is fine. It's just a lot of people are dying at the moment. I just wanted to make sure you all were together."

"The news is so scary at the moment Derek. I went to the bakery earlier and there was hardly anything still on the shelf. It's a good job your uncle went crazy and bought a lot of food."

"I'm glad you guys have what you need."

"Laura, Cora and I will be going to the chemist to buy some toiletries later."

"Just be careful out there mum. Did Uncle Peter make sure my house and Laura's is secured?"

"Yes he did, someone called India came to our house and made sure alarms and CCTV's were fitted. Derek I'm scared."

"I think the whole world is in a panic mum just remember the police and emergency services are there. Listen to Uncle Peter he was in the army he will look after you guys. I need to go I love you guys."

"We love you too Derek," hears from his family members. So I'm on speaker phone he thinks to himself.

Ten minutes later the prime minister was sat opposite him looking like a school boy about to get a telling off. "Nick lockdown the country."

"Look here old chap I just can't lockdown the country just like that."

He stands and walk round the desk, "You seem to be under the impression I'm giving you a choice here."

"Itsss jjjust that."

Derek turns on the tv there was breaking news story about a lockdown happening later in the day. They were saying the prime minster would make a statement later.

"You can't do this sir," yells the British prime minster.

Derek sits on his desk, "I'm not one of those people who will blackmail you to do as I say Nickolas. If you don't do this." Derek smiles at him. "I'm not someone to make an enemy of Nick. You have a deputy for a reason."

The man swallows and darts his eyes back and forth, "I will comply."

"I'm taking a months salary from you for your lip."

Nick wrings his hands nervously, "You can't do that."

"You are right Nick old boy let's make it four and your country retreat. Is only to be used when overseas guest come for the next six months."

Nickolas says nothing, "You may leave now."

As the British prime minister leaves Derek says in a deadly tone. "Don't ever forget your place again."

The prime minister looks at him with both fear and respect, "I won't sir."

When he was alone in the room Derek calls his mother in law. "Son in law what can I help you with?"

"The head of the wait a second.I need to have this room swept. The British prime minister has just been in."

"You met him once and you don't trust him already?"

"No I don't."

"Then you're the right man for the job. Call me back when you can."

After his room was checked for bugs Derek calls his mother in law again. "Dr. Blume do you know him?"

"Yes, he belongs to one of the other five families. He's a grandson of the Duke of Herman. His families job is information that is why he knew you. He will succeed to the dukedom and become head of his family when the time comes.

"I'm told he was very close to Jamie."

"I knew they knew each other. They met at Oxford."

"Can you look into their relationship for me?"

"I can do but the Murphy's family is where you go to for information."

"Murphy?" Ask a perplexed Derek.

"Yes, Blume's family name is Murphy he is using his mother's maiden name as his last name."

"Has anyone in the families betrayed the group before?" Ask Derek.

"No and they never will no matter what it looks like they will never be traitors. If one person falls we all lose."

"I'm sorry to say this but my predecessor was lacking I walked around that hosptial. Yet no one checked if I should be there or not."

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