At The Hollywood Bowl

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One Week later-----------

One evening, Erin was out with Taylor at The Hollywood bowl. She hadn't been since she was a child. It was a Brian Wilson concert for her Dad's birthday. She wasn't a fan. He liked to blast his music quiet a bit, so being forced to listening to him at night was a struggle for her, but she ginned and beared it, and didn't complain. 

But this was better with Taylor. His company was still the best. By now, Jeremy had created some distance between them. aka she bored him, but Taylor wasn't like that. Or, at least it seemed that way for now. They had enjoyed one of the lovely box meals that Taylor paid for. Chicken, pototaos, salad and mix veggies for him, and Salmon for Erin. They enjoyed their dinner with some nice Chardanoy. Erin had more than one glass. And Cheesecake for dessert.

They enjoyed the concert. They cuddled up on top of a blanket. Erin felt so good in his arms. Erin whispered in his ear. "Have you ever seen A Clockwork Orange?" She looked to him for his answer. He nodded to her and she whispered in his ear again. "Remember when Alex brought home those two girls and this song was playing?"

Taylor laughed out of emberssment and whispered in her ear. "Honey, that was Betoveen. Have you seen the movie?"

"I have. I was just trying to get you going." 

"There are children here." He whispered. 

She laughed at herself and they watched the concert. 

Afterwards, they headed to his car and they drove out of the parking lot. "Hey. Can I ask you a question? Actually two questions." Taylor asked as they went to booth to pay for the parking. 

"Of course."

"I was wondering if you still want to go to London and do you want to go home with me tonight?" 

"Yes and definally yes." She smirked, as they got up to the window. She gave Taylor her card and insited that she pay for parking, because he paid for this date and the others. It was the least she could do. He accepted it and he tapped her card and gave it back to her. He then drove off and to the direction of his place.

Once they got back to Taylor's place, they got out of the car. Taylor took her hand, walked up the the door. Just as he opened up the door. Her messager dinged. She looked down and found a Instagram message from someone she didn't know. It looked important, but not so much she would stop her time with Taylor. She turned her phone on slient and went in with him. They kissed all the way to his room. They flapped onto the bed kissing and kissing. Taylor reached up his hand to unbottom her bloose. He kissed her neck, then going lower to her collar bone. "Taylor."

"MMM..." He said inbetween kisses. 

"I don't want to have sex tonight."

"Oh, well... that's fine. I just want to be with you tonight."

He pulled her close into a cuddle. She snggled up next into him. "Are you sure you're okay with this. You seemed in the mood a moment ago." She looked up at him.

"I was just going with the flow. When I'm with you, I get lost in you. It's all I see and feel. I'm crazy about you and like I said, I don't want to have sex unless you want to. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, of course. So what are you going to be doing in London?"

"I'm going there to promote stable clothing line."

"Oh yeah?" Erin asked intrigued. 

"Yeah. I went to a sheep farm where they make the clothing, shear the sheep and everything. I just thought if we care about what we eat we should care about what we put on our bodies."

"Yeah, I agree. I just wish it was more available to most people in cities, maybe have a store here in LA. or other places or sell it in stores like target, if we can."

"We're trying to make that happen, hopefully." 

"That's very nice you're doing that."

"I just hope it'll work out over there."

"I think it will. Once people see how passionate you are about it, the more they want it for themselves. If they see a hot actor wearing something like that. Especially if their styled well."

"Yeah." He said to himself and looked at her. "You know, Erin. You're pretty great."

"So are you." She smiled and kissed him. They kissed until they fell asleep.

A/N: Hope you enjoyed this chapter even though it was a lot of nothing, but next chapter will be In London and  will be better.


Falling for a Demisexual-Taylor Zakhar PerezWhere stories live. Discover now