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[DISCLAIMER:- I don't own hxh or any of it's characters and the YouTube video.
I only own my OCs and my part of the stories. I don't own the picture.]

[ That woman in the picture is Dawn's mother (imagine she has long dark blue hair and red eyes) and the man is her father. Anyway enjoy the music :P I added that for fun.]

The girl looked very remorseful and sad. Her eyes were stuck at Dawn's scarred hand, while Dawn was trembling. There was no way she had a sister and never knew about it. There should have been pictures! Dawn didn't remember seeing the black haired girl in any of the pictures, not even in the one she tore.

"Impossible..." Dawn stuttered. Yes it had to be a dream. She pinched herself hard hoping to wake up from this ridiculous dream. But nothing happened. The strange girl was still infront of her. "Dawn..Calm down. Let me explain." The girl said as she pulled out a locket from her pocket. She was dressed in an ancient robe that looked a bit like a shrine maiden's clothes. Except it was faint peach in colour.

She handed the locket to Dawn, who stared at it confused. "What is this?" She asked as she turned it around in her hand. The girl motioned for her to open it. Dawn fiddled with the small lock for a bit before she managed to open it. Inside it was the picture of Dawn's mother , her and also the strange girl. Beside her mother was her father with his gentle smile. Her mother and father looked around 20 and the two girls were babies. Their faces were so identical, it was almost as if she was staring into a  mirror.

"" Dawn could not believe her eyes. Her mother looked very proud while holding her precious gems. Her father too had the same smile. The kind gentle smile which he lost to his hatred. Dawn's eyes stung. She had not forgotten what her father said.

"This will be the last time we are speaking to each other."

He had abandoned her. He had abandoned her to go live with that crazy hag. Dawn bit her lips hard to stop her tears. She would not cry over someone like him. Not anymore. Someone like him would never deserve her tears. Dawn's eyes trailed towards her mother. She was like a pretty rose in a field of weeds. She was one of a kind. This time Dawn could not stop her tears. She had almost forgotten how her mother looked. Her heart clenched in pain as she memorised her face. She was so pretty, with those beautiful ruby red eyes and soft and silky dark blue hair.

Dawn missed her mother. Her father had told her that she had died in a car crash when Dawn was only 3 years old.
" are my sister...then where were you..why did you never come for me.." Dawn's voice broke as she looked up at the girl- no her sister. Her sister's expression dropped to a sad one. "I could not. The barrier between your world and mine, was too hard to break. My past self was not strong enough to create a crack through it. "

Barrier? What barrier? !! Noticing Dawn's confusion she spoke. "The barrier was made to ensure your safety in this human world. You must have dreamt of fire.. right? " Dawn pondered and slowly nodded. She dreamt of fire almost every single damn day and they were terrible. "They are the barrier. The fire won't hurt you, because you are loved by them. But they will stop you from going any further and would guide you back safely to your world. " her sister explained. Dawn gasped.

"Y-you...know...?" She stuttered. Her twin nodded smiling. "Of course I know. Everyone from where I am from knows, except the villagers. " she said. Dawn gulped. She had been outcasted because of her powers before. She was not sure if the others saw her as a freak or a friend. Dawn's sister sensed her fear and smiled. "Dont worry. Back at home you will find your own kind. We all can use special powers~" she said winking. Dawn blinked and slowly registered what she said. A place where..I can

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