Chapter 7[Edited]

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Kurapika emerged out of the tunnel, feeling the cool breeze on his sweaty face. Leorio, who was next to him, almost kissed the grassy ground out of sheer joy. Mentally, he added that he now had another debt to fulfil. Without that blue-haired, notorious brat, he would have failed for sure. Speaking of her, Leorio glanced around to find her, only to choke on his breath, feeling a shudder run down the back of his spine. He had seen terrifying sadists in the past—take Hisoka, for example. But right now, Dawn looked scarier than the clown!

The sadistic grin on her face and the look in her eyes made it clear for both Kurapika and Leorio to steer clear of her for now. Kurapika pitied the two 12-year-olds who were trembling under her gaze, perhaps due to something she said. Leorio thought Dawn looked like the devil itself! Mentally, he noted that he would never bet with her. The two older teens shared a look of pity and finally nodded and approached the three pre-teens.

Dawn seemed to notice them. She grinned as she turned around, looking absolutely normal, as if the bad side in her had never existed in the first place. "Hello, you two! I'm glad you made it this far, Leorio!" She clapped and slapped the taller guy's hand to congratulate him. Leorio rubbed his hand, trying to get rid of the stinging sensation, murmuring a 'thanks' in the process.

Gon and Killua looked extremely happy and relieved to see Kurapika and Leorio. Both of them immediately dashed towards the older teens, almost running away from Dawn. The small girl chuckled at their reaction but didn't forget about the main reason she wanted to race them. Clearing her throat, she once again approached her friend and companion. "I wasn't done with the wishing yet!" She began, watching them tense up. "As for my second wish for Gon, I want you to teach me fishing, and for Killua...." she paused. Dawn abruptly became conscious of the nervousness she had tried to push back deep inside her. Leorio raised a brow, confused at what these kids were blabbering about, and Kurapika looked equally interested. Some of the contestants had still not arrived, so they still had time to kill.

Killua raised a brow at 'Dawn'. Her name was still foreign to him, and he very much preferred to call her 'Blueberry'. "Well?.." He ushered, curious about what she would wish for him to do. He just hoped she wouldn't ask him to dance naked or wear a maid's costume. He had seen Milluki, his older brother, keep some really weird and questionable costumes in his possession, and that alone had made him see his fat kin as a creep. "Well...uhm.." Dawn cleared her throat, and her fingers twitched slightly before she raised her left hand towards him, like she was offering him a handshake. "My wish for you is... to be my friend." She stated it boldly. Unconsciously, she knew her stomach was doing flip-flops.

Killua blinked as his eyes landed on Dawn's outstretched hand. He didn't believe his ears. What did she just ask me?... He wanted to recheck, if he heard it correctly. "What?" He heard his voice crack, as he managed to choke out. Dawn's lips tugged up in a smile as she repeated her wish. "Be my friend !" Her hand didn't waver, nor did her smile. She my friend?? Beside him the other three were grinning at the scene ( Gon with a relieved smile, Kurapika with a plain smile and Leorio with a teasing grin) .

Killua glanced at the bluenette's face, trying to check for any signs of goofing, insincerity, or mockery, but there were none. She was genuinely serious about wanting him as a friend. But hadn't he been mean to her the whole time? Why would she want him to be her friend? Killua frowned. Doubts began to fill his mind. Maybe she wants to stick around to do whatever she did back then. But nobody had ever asked to be friends with him. Killua realised that he had no idea what to do. He didn't really like her much, and she certainly wasn't 100% like Gon. Both of them were totally different in nature. But he didn't feel any hatred for her, like he felt for his family.

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