Chapter 9

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We reached the second phase thanks to gons nose. "I still can't figure it out. How did you exactly track Leorios cologne? " I asked gon. He just shrugged. Humans are so weird...i have never seen someone like he a dog yokai? But i don't sense any demonic aura from him....Weird... i frowned while thinking. I noticed killua who was leaning against a tree. "Killua!" Gon called out to him. He noticed us and made his way towards us. "you guys made it!" He said. " Thanks to gons nose. He tracked Leorios cologne." I said. "What? Really? Gon are you a dog or something?" He asked gon bluntly. Gon just laughed while scratching his neck. I looked around for leorio and spotted Hisoka. I glared at him while he pointed towards the tree. I looked towards the tree and saw leorio unconscious. " Gon! Look !" I said pointing towards the tree. We made our way towards him . My my his cheeks look quite swollen... i thought as i saw his bruised cheeks. He woke up slowly. "What happened? ..." He asked. I sweat dropped. he seriously doesn't remember?...
" Alright. Looks like everyone's arrived. Now I must take my leave. All the best everyone." Satotz said and took off in his weird way of running.

The huge gate then opened revealing a gigantic man and a woman with few cloths. A huge growl was heard. "Buhrara are you hungry?" She asked the fatso. "You bet. I am starving! " He said. " all right everyone! I am Menchi and this is Buhrara! We are gourment hunters!The second phase will be COOKING!" She yelled. Wait a sec ! Cooking?! "Alright everyone! This test requires pork. You guys can use pigs in the forest! It gets over when i am full eating!. Pork huh...kinda reminds me of that incident back at home. When was it again? ...oh yea my 4th birthday.


"Mommy...." i called my step mother. " What?" She asked irritated. I flinched "um...i eat ..pork.." i told timidly. " You want to eat pork?" She asked getting up. I nodded. Then I paled when i saw Her taking out an electric whip. Then she raised it high and slashed it on my hand . I screamed as i got the electric jolt. I cried and cried. " Do you still want pork?" She asked. Since I didn't reply she left. "Mommy i want pork tonight! " Yuki my step sister asked mom. " Sure darling!" She said petting her head. "Yay!" She cheered and took off. I was still crouched over nursing my hand. My tears didn't stop flowing and i layed there the whole day while the others were having pork.

[Flashback ends]

I unconsciously grabbed my hand where I had gotten hit. "The test starts now!!" Machi yelled breaking me out of my thoughts. I shook my head hard. Nows not the time to think about the past! I gotta concentrate!
I put on a determined face and hurried after the other contestants towards the forest. I walked around searching for the pigs. My eyes caught something and I grinned from ear to ear. "Bingo!" I said as i saw the whole herd of pigs. They were chewing........Bones?! Wait they are carnivorous?! I have never seen something like that! Cool! . I stopped wondering when i heard a familiar voice "Oi Gon! Why did you stop?!" I looked around to see Gon , Killua, Kurapika and Leorio siting on the grass like a train rubbing their faces. " Oi! You guys! !!" I yelled at them but quickly bit my lips when the pigs looked towards my direction. and my big mouth!! Now I have attracted them... I guess I will have fight them. The pigs grunted loudly and charged towards us. "You and your big mouth!!!" Killua yelled. "Sorrrryyyyyyy!!" I yelled back. One of the pigs charged towards me. I dodged by jumping high in the air. I landed on my feet. I heard screams and shouts. I looked around to see the participants being thrown away by the pigs. Wow.....they are powerful! " I found their weakness!!! Their weakness is their head!" I heard gon yell. I grinned. He's quite sharp for a kid..good job gon!! I give you an A..!!
Gon hit his pig with his fishing pole and killua with his skateboard. A skateboard can be used as a weapon?! I thought wide eyed. A huge grunt got my attention. I looked to my right and saw a pig charging towards me. I rolled my eyes and took a deep breathe. Take this piggy! " Fire element :- Dragon breathe !!" I yelled then breathed out fire. The piggy dropped to the floor roasted. I grinned and carried the pig over my shoulder. I looked around gon and killua and found them already dragging their pigs. Luckily nobody say me roast the pig. Phew! I hurriedly took the pig and placed it on the kitchen table. I took the knife and in a slash cut it into pieces. I placed the pieces of the roasted pig on a plate and decorated it with sauce and other vegetables. mouths watering..... i thought as i stared at my masterpiece. Hmm...time for the final taste. I clapped my hand twice and out came my special ingredient. I grinned. My special ingredient is a small bottle with a handle. Kinda like pepper bottle. I rolled the handle and sprinkled some blue powder. The blue powder at once disappeared when it landed on the food. All done! I noticed the other participants have already started showing their food to Menchi. But she failed all of them. Gon and the others still hadn't finished preparing the pork. I walked with my food and handed it to Menchi. My secret ingredient gave off a delicious smell. "Finally something that's edible! " She exclaimed. She took one bite and i could see her eyes shine like a star and turn into hearts. "You.....PASS!!!!!!" she yelled loudly. The contestants were surprised. I smiled broadly and hurried back towards gon and the others. "Sugoi Dawn! You passed!!" Gon congratulated me while killua humphed. "How did you made it so tasty?" Kurapika asked while leorio nodded in agreement. I grinned " i can help you prepare your dishes." I said smiling a closed eye smile. I noticed Killuas face a little red. Is he blushing? I thought tilting my head. "Anyway let's get started!" I said.

After 20 minutes everyone's dish was ready. " Now for the final touch!" I said and clapped my hand. My special ingredient appeared. I rolled the handle and sprinkled some green powder over gons dish , violate powder over Killuas , red ones over leorios and yellow ones on kurapikas. " All done!" I said as the colour of the powder disappeared. "What was that?" All of them asked in unison. I put my fingers on my lips and winked "secret!~" i said and laughed when they pouted.

[Killuas pov]

" Secret!~" She said putting her fingers on her lips and winking. My face started heating up. What is this feeling? Why is my heart beating so fast?! "Killua! " Dawns voice broke me out of thoughts. " W-what? " I asked. She smiled mischievously. "You are blushing!" She said pointing at my face. " I-i am n-not! " I said and huffed looking away. She laughed. "You guys better take your dishes to Menchi." She told us and we nodded taking our dishes to Menchi. "The four of you Pass!" She said her eyes shinning brightly after she tasted our food.



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