Chapter 15

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"I'll tell you in order. First is Zin as I explained about him. Next is Moon . She's the animal specialist and is moon elemental. Next are the twins . Mei and Tsuki. They are the Eagles . Mei is like the phoenix , the fire elemental but slightly different while Tsuki is a completely different breed. She's the hell fire eagle. Cool right? Both of them act as yours and mine bodyguard. Well they are sort of overprotective. Next is Myself and then you Dawn. Then is Yuki. The youngest sibling in our family . She's the best healer in our castle and the best with plants and daggers." I explained. "Wait you said 8 right? But I counted 7. Who's the 8th one?" Dawn asked confused. I smiled . "The eighth one is the same age as you Dawn. And to tell you the truth he's not our blood related brother. He's adopted. But we feel he's more like our own brother. So it was declared he's also part of our family. Dawn he's the same as you. His name is Hiro. " I told her smiling . "...same as me?" Dawn asked her eyes going wide. I nodded at her.

"Whoa..that's a huge family!..." Leorio exclaimed . "I wanna see them..." Gon said excited. "I'm interested in the twins and Zin." Kurapika said.
"I'm more interested in Moon." Leorio said grinning his perv grin. A sudden glare made him cower in a corner. The glare belonged to Dawn. 😅😅

" guys can. But first we gotta finish this exam! 😁😅" I said my eyes sparkling. Everyone nodded determined to finish this exam.

[Killuas pov]

Dawn's so mysterious. .....I still don't know anything about her...she's cheerful , smart , caring...and I woefully admit is very strong...but she's hiding something. I don't get it...why do I feel this dark feeling deep inside her...I frowned. "What are you thinking Killua?" Gon asked. "Nothing. ...don't you think Dawns very mysterious? I mean. that I think about it ...I barely know anything about her . " I told him making sure we are away from Dawns ears.

"Hm ...I know. I'm curious about her as well. But I'll wait till she's comfortable enough to tell us about her. And I'm curious about Midori too. She's really powerful. I can tell just by looking at her. " Gon said calmly smiling his bright smile. I smiled and nodded.

[Midoris pov]

I smiled when I heard the two boys talk. Dawn sure is lucky to have such wonderful friends...and that boy killua...I totally ship him with dawn kya!!!

"And I'm curious about Midori too. She's really powerful. I can tell just by looking at her. " I heard Gon say.
My cheeks went a little pink . Hehehehehe I got complimented ~ kyaaa!! i feel so proud~~☆

I looked back at Dawn. OMG!!!

Dawn looked SO adorable with her cheeks pink and eyes sparkling which meant she's super excited and happy. And I caught Killua looking at her with faint blush . SO TOTALLY SHIP THOSE TWO!!!


More 30 mins..."Let's buckle up. It's almost time. " I said grinning. Mika was awake by now and was drinking water. She still looked sick though.

[Dawns pov]

My brothers and sisters.....I wanna meet them...I felt so happy and excited that i could barely sit still.

Time skip. ...

5 more minutes. Soon everyone got ready with their stuff. I stopped the darts from chasing tonpa. "Ya can rest now~" I said giggling. The door opened and all of us went out dramatically.


Dawn:- Auther-chan you are very clumsy and lazy.

Auther-chan:- *emo corner.*
buuuu....Dawn you are mean!😢😢

Dawn:- I know. *watches tv*

Midori:- When's the other chapter gonna be published?😮

Auther-chan:- I guess. 😅

Dawn:- you say that. But you end up publishing it after a few days or month. 😧

Auther- chan:- ouch. I regretfully admit that's true. 😢😢😢😢 *back to deep blue and full of mushroom emo corner.* uu..😢😢

Dawn:- have a cookie stupid Auther.

Auther-chan:- hey! I'm not stupid !! And .. have you poisoned the cookie? *squints at it*

Dawn:- hahaha. I have successfully poisoned it. 😑(Sarcastic ) so you want it or not?😧

Auther-chan:- (smiles) thanks!!!*eats it in one go*......


Dawn:- *laughs*

Auther-chan:- you poisoned it!!!😢😷😷😷😷
*Runs to the bathroom while Dawn laughs her head off. And Midori is left confused.*

Dawn:- but I warned you~~~]

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