Chapter 14

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[Killuas pov]

Blushing hard I catwalked as Dawn ordered me. Currently I'm wearing a white lacy frock with big red ribbons and a lavender coloured hat. My hair is tied up in two small ponytails and two cherry Red clips clipped on both sides.

This is embarassing!!! Why did I even agree to this?!!! Ugh!!! I really wanted to kill leorio ,who was laughing hard, on the spot. Kurapika was thudershocked . Besides me Gon was crawling like a baby and was making baby "goo goo" sounds . I couldn't believe he was made to wear a diaper.....really? I'm actually glad I'm not wearing that....phew. Here I wanted to laugh at him and here my situation is no worse than his.
"Hey Dawn! How long are we gonna wear this?!!!!" I yelled already fed up with it.
"For as long as I want~~" she said snickering. My eyes twitched and twitched. Knowing her.....she will make me wear it for....years and years....

It was only 5 more hours for us to continue. "Can't we explore....I'm bored..." Gon said while crawling. "Babies don't speak perfectly gon. ^_^ " she said grinning.

[Gons Pov]

Dawn sure is a big devil...😅😅....
The grin on her face was that of a Cheshire cat. I crawled and made baby sounds. "" wait a min kids cry don't they? But why do they know!!! I opened my mouth and cried loudly. "Waaaaaaawaaaaa!!😢😢😢😢"

Dawn looked startled and Killua had a hilarious look. Kurapika came running upto me. "Are you ok Gon?! Are you hurt?!" He asked worried . "Waaaa....." I continued crying. "I think he wants toys! Or do babies want when they cry? Ahhh!!!!><><" Dawn scratched her head which steamed from too much thinking. "😅😅 uh...does he need a new diaper? His diaper stinks. ...." Kurapika said , his face going slightly blue😵😵.

[Dawns pov ]

○.○ he actually took the baby act seriously?!!! My jaws dropped on the floor. The smell of fresh poop surely stink. Ew....he pooped.. Midori sweat dropped while Mika...well since her nose was too sensitive. koed. Poor fellow. "Err ....the magic book didn't tell anything on how to make a diaper magically we do now?" I asked nearly choking at the smell.

"It was your idea! You have to take responsibility! !><><" Leorio yelped . "But I didn't knew he would seriously act like a baby and poop!!" I defended.


Watching Leorio and Dawn bicker Midori sighed and stepped forward. "I can summon a Diaper from the Main castle you know....😑" she grumbled rubbing her forehead. "You can?😮" Kurapika asked a bit surprised. "Yea I can. But....using summon just to get a embarassing. .😖" she said blushing and scratching her head.

Dawn was already going blue. Bleeuuueeek! What a strong poopy smell! ! AHHHHHH!! IT'S KILLING ME!!! GHAAA!!!!!😱😱😱😱😱😫😫😫 and soon joins Mika . Her soul floats out of her mouth. "Oi! Dawn!! Don't get koed now!!!><" Leorio said while shaking her hard. Sighing Midori summons a diaper. "Kurapika you are changing the diaper." Midori said handing kurapika the diaper .

[Kurapikas pov]'m. ...not changing ...that poopy diaper. My face turned blue. "Why me?" I asked Midori. Midori blinked a few times .
"Because you are like a Mama. " she said nodding . Mama?! Me?! Mama?! "How am I like a mama?! " I asked my eyes twitching. Leorio laughed hard and Tonpa..well he's still being chased around by the dart . "You look like a girl with gentle personality. You have a loving nature and strictness that resembles a mother and your aura is quite calm." She said grinning. "I was surprised when Dawn told me you are a boy. I thought you were a girl." She added. My face was already red and steaming. Am I supposed to accept this as a compliment or...take it as an insult? ! 😬😬😡😡 "Bahahahahahahahahahaha! Kurapika as a mommy?! Bahahahahahahahahahaha!!!" Leorio continueed laughing . Midori nodded innocently. "Leorio. Stop. LAUGHING. " I said glaring at him. "Fine I'll change his diaper ..😑..." I grumbled and started changing Gons diaper .

[Gons pov]

As soon as my diaper was changed I stopped crying. Midori was busy spraying some perfume in the room . Dawn and Mika were koed and their soul was hanging from their mouth.
"" I said copying a baby. How long am I going to act like a baby?😅😅....

"Alright. Gon you can take a brake from being a baby. " Midori said shaking her head. Finally..." I stopped crawling and ran off to wear my cloths and came back after a few minutes.

"What about me?!" Killua asked startled . "Dawn will decide that when she wakes up. Besides you look like a cute princess in that frock." Midori said . I laughed. "A WHAT?" He asked annoyed and shocked. "A princess , right Gon? 😏😎" She said grinning. I nodded. "I DON'T LOOK LIKE A PRINCESS!! AUGH!! CURSE THIS STUPID BET!!!!😣😣😣😠😠😠😠" he yelled angrily .

[Dawns pov]

Groaning I woke up to find killua yelling at Midori and Gon who were busy teasing him. My..that was a strong smell...Gon was already dressed up. "Midori is quite correct. You look cute in that frock ~~☆" I said giggling and rubbing my head. "HAH?!! " Killua glared at me with a big tick mark on his head. But the faint pink on his cheek didn't escape my eyes. Aww...he's blushing~ I giggled and pinched his cheek. "Kawaaaiiiiii~♡" I cooed.

I watched as his cheeks got redder and redder. "Stop it!!>////<" He pushed away my hands. "I'm taking this stupid frock off!!><>< " saying this he ran off to wear his normal cloths. Awwww~♡
He came out after a few minutes and dumped the frock and the clips at me. "I'm never betting anything with you!!" He said irritated. I giggled .

"But you looked cute!" I squealed. "Just like a princess! Wish I had put a tiara with the clips ..." I muttered thinking of cute tiaras that would suit him. "I was thinking what he and Gon would look like if they wear Zin's clothes. " Midori wondered. "Who's Zin? " I asked confused. "Zin is our brother Dawn. He's the eldest member of our family and he's the general of our army." Midori explained. I gasped. "Whoa...I have a brother as!!...😲😲" I exclaimed.

"Ahuh. We are total 8 siblings Dawn. " Midori said smiling. "8?!! Wow! ! Tell me about them!!!" I said excited. "Wait you don't know about your own siblings? " Killua asked confused. Midori was about to explain but I cut her off. "Long story. I promise I'll tell you guys later. So Midori tell me about them!!" I said my eyes sparkling. She nodded sweat dropping and started explaining.

[Next chapter coming today! ]

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