New year special part 1

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Dawn:- (Hums a song) Author chan is going to be sooooooo happy! :)

Killua:- What are you doing??

Dawn:- I am working with my portal magic. I wanna visit Author chan!!!!
(Small stars surrounds her as she speaks happily.)

Gon:- Yay!!!! We are gonna visit Author chan!!!!! Yay!!!!! (Jumps around with a cherry smile.)

Midori:- But why do you all of a sudden want to visit her??? (Everyone pause with their work.)

Dawn:-........Well you see our Author chan had to spend her Christmas alone. Her friends couldn't come , their parents refused to let them come :( . And it's been days since I talked to her thanks to Mika who made me train earnestly for my crown ceremony. (Speaks while wrapping up a gift.) So I wanna give her a huge new year surprise! !!!!! (Flowers surrounds her.)

Midori:- you both are really good friends, aren't you???

Dawn:- (stops whatever she is doing , looks up and smiles) MmHm! Of course we are the best of friends!!!!!!!!! Afterall she's my creator and my very first friend!!!!!!! :) .

Midori:- * Sniff * *Sniff* (wipes the tears) waaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Your words are so touching!!!!

Killua:- (scratches the back of his head.) Is there anything we can help you with...? (Blushes slightly)

Dawn:- ;) yea ! You guys can cut these papers and can do some crafty work a card or cute figures!!! (Says while showing them how)

Gon:- Sounds like fun!!!!!

(Door opens and Leorio and Kurapika enters the room.)

Kurapika:- What's fun??? (Walks upto them and sits down next to Gon.)

Gon:- we are going to give author chan a huge surprise!!!!!!!

Midori:- yea!! We are packing her special gift!!!! (Realises something)
Hey Dawn! You never said what she would like for her New Year gift!

Dawn:- actually. ..... i really have no idea what to give her..whatever i think of sounds quite plain........i want to give her what she wants the most.....

(Suddenly the door opens with a thud...... a tall girl stands her shiny black hair flows in the wind....)

????:- Maybe i can help! :)


[Dawn:- Sorry the chapter is short!! Wait for next part to know who the mystery person is!!!!]

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