Chapter 18

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[Sorry for the late publish. I am back on track. Thank you for all the support.]

Lòng Qì cant seem to remember the last time she travelled on a ship. She doesn't remember how old she was that time or why she was on a ship. For some reason the dragon's memories were all in puzzle.  She could remember some vividly while the others seemed foggy. Staring at the clear blue sky she sighed.  That was the 35th time she had sighed so far. Chasing tonpa proved to be really hard for he was like a rat. But she did manage to wipe his memory out.

The seagulls flew around noisily enjoying the warmth of the sun. Closing her eyes Lòng Qì imagined herself soaring high in the air , without a care in the world. But she knew that wish would never come true for she had lost her wings a long time ago.


Lòng Qì's eyes twitched.  She turned around glaring at the creepy clown that had been staring at her for a while. The creep only grinned ear to ear causing her to glare harder. "Refrain from staring at me." She spat at him who chuckled in response and licked his card. "Would you care to join me for a game?" He asked still licking the card. Lòng Qì cringed disgusted. "I dont touch stuff that has been licked. Its disgusting." She said with a glare.

"Where did my manners go?~☆ " he said with a fake polite tone and like magic those cards were gone from his hands and a new set of deck was right in front of Lòng Qì.
She narrowed her eyes suspiciously . "Are there any conditions, 'creep' ?"she asked staring at them. Living with humans for such a long time , Lòng Qì had learnt a lot of stuff. And that 'lot of stuff ' included poker. "Of course there is. We play 20 games. The one that wins most games is the winner. If i win you have to battle me  .~◇" Hisoka said while distributing the cards, not bothered by the nickname he got.
Lòng Qì thought about it for a while, carefully processing what he said.  Slowly she nodded . "Alright then. If i win , you better stay out of my way and stop staring at me. Is that clear?"

"Clear as crystal~♡" The clown agreed. Lòng Qì never bothered to call the clown by his name for 'creep' suited him better than Hisoka and she was proud of that decision. "Alright. Game on. " Lòng Qì said picking up her cards.


"Are you sure you are not cheating?" Lòng Qì asked Hisoka . So far she had lost 8 games. And Hisoka was on lead with 8 wins.
"I dont cheat~☆" Hisoka said grinning.
"It cant be luck. " she said suspiciously.


Unknown to Lòng Qì ,who was so focused in the game , a lot of contestants were watching them wide eyed. Some with sympathetic expression , some with fear while some with wicked happiness.

Timeskip again

Lòng Qì- 9 wins

Hisoka:- 11 wins.

"I win~☆"  Hisoka said grinning. Lòng Qì was left with no words. She could only shake her fist in anger. "Fine. I will battle you. But not on this ship. "She said gritting her teeth. Of all days her luck had to go bad today.  The clown nodded. "Then after we get off this ship ." The young dragon was not sure why the clown was so eager to battle her. Whenever that clown saw someone strong he had this sadistic , psychopathic glint in his eyes that Lòng Qì didn't like a bit.

Somewhere else..(a few mins before Lòng Qì lost in the match)

Gon wandered around the deck searching for the blue headed girl. He was still confused about the whole dragon thing. His white haired best friend, Killua was beside him lost in thought. Killua somehow knew that Dawn always hid something from them. Living a life as a assassin , he had gained the skill to detect lies. But he never asked her about it. He knew from her expression that she wanted to keep it a secret. Not that he minded secrets , he wished she could trust them enough to tell the truth or atleast him. He wasn't sure why he got tingly or why his heart raced or why his face always went red whenever Dawn was nearby him. This feeling was completely new to him. A warm fuzzy feeling.

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