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taehyun and beomgyu were like oil and water, constantly at odds with each other. taehyun couldn't stand beomgyus seemingly flawless nature. it seemed like beomgyu effortlessly excelled in every aspect of life - from his striking good looks to his top-notch grades, athletic prowess, and artistic talent. it was as if beomgyu had a secret recipe for success that taehyun desperately wanted to uncover.

beomgyu never had any hatred towards taehyun. in fact, he found him incredibly endearing and cute, like a small, adorable cat. sure, beomgyu may bully him and all, but it's all just an act. beomgyu and his friends happen to be part of the popular crowd, and unfortunately, his friends have a tendency to bully others, particularly taehyun for being a human. beomgyu, however, only joined in with their antics to gain popularity and fit in with the group.

taehyuns day started off just like any other. he dreaded going to school because it always felt like a living nightmare for him. unfortunately, things took a turn for the worse when beomgyus friends decided to play a cruel prank on him. they cornered taehyun in the bathroom, leaving him feeling helpless and scared. it was a terrifying experience, and he couldn't help but feel like his world was crumbling around him.

unfortunately, this meant that taehyun had missed his class and would no longer be able to achieve perfect attendance. the news saddened him deeply, as he had always strived to make his parents proud. the thought of disappointing them weighed heavily on his heart, and he couldn't help but feel a sense of regret.

meanwhile, beomgyu noticed taehyuns absence and grew increasingly worried. he couldn't shake off the feeling that something was wrong. seeking answers, he approached hueningkai, friend of taehyuns, and inquired about taehyuns whereabouts. to beomgyus surprise, hueningkai informed him that taehyun was in the nurse's office due to an issue with his friends.

beomgyus heart sank at the news. without a second thought, he hurriedly made his way to the nurse's room, desperately seeking to find out what had happened to taehyun. in order to gain permission to leave the classroom, he quickly approached the teacher and requested to be excused for a bathroom break. the urgency in his voice was evident, reflecting his deep concern for his well-being.

as he opened the door, he heart broke. taehyun sleeping restless on the bed. he had marks on his neck and bandages around his hand. beomgyu took a seat next to taehyun and watch him sleep. taehyun looked like an angel, long lashes, sharp nose, and plump lips. after about thirty minutes, taehyun woke up. he opened his eyes and saw the person he hated. choi beomgyu.

"what are you doing here" taehyun spat with anger in his eyes.

"i wanted to check up on you. i'm sorry about my friends. i want to be close with you"beomgyu said desperately.

taehyun saw how desperate the older was. he doesn't know if he should believe him or not.

"what should i trust you?" taehyun asked.

"i think you really pretty and smart" beomgyu said with sparkles in his eyes.

taehyun blushed. he didn't know why but he's sure he's ears are red. choi beomgyu wanting to be close with him? he does think the older is attractive and all but should he?

"fine" taehyun said.

beomgyu eyes widen and hugged the younger. taehyun was shocked but slowly hugged back.

"thank you" beomgyu said "i'll try my best to make you the happiest person on earth"

taehyun hugs him tighter.

taehyun and beomgyu started dating since beomgyu accidentally confessed. beomgyu also stopped being friends with the bullies. taehyun was happy beomgyu stayed with him.

taehyun came home from school and he parents were waiting for him with angry expressions.

"come sit"

taehyun went and sat.

"explain why you've been getting 97s and 98s. your not good enough. your friend has been a distraction. stop being friends with him."

taehyun didn't say anything but stared at the floor.


taehyun felt a sting on his right cheek. he looked up and his dad kept hitting him. his mom was watching with a disappointed look.

after more and more hitting, taehyun called beomgyu.


"taehyunnie what's wrong, where are you?"

"can i come over"

"sure be safe"

taehyun quickly sneak out the window and went to beomgyus house. when he knocked on the door, beomgyu opened it. his heart sank seeing taehyun bruised. he quickly took taehyun to his room.

when they are in beomgyus room, beomgyu hugged taehyun.

"tell me what happened"

taehyun told beomgyu everything and beomgyu tried his best to clam taehyun down by cuddling him.

"you know, no one is perfect. i'm not perfect like you think i am"

"but your the most perfect person i've met"

beomgyu chuckled "your literally more perfect. ignore what your parents say. let's run away"

taehyun smiled " i love you"

"i love you too"

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