happy tyun day!

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At 7am, Taehyun stirred from his slumber only to realize that Hueningkai had already vacated their shared living space.

Puzzled by the unusual occurrence, he pondered to himself, as it was quite out of the ordinary for Hueningkai to be awake when he usually remained fast asleep. Curiosity got the better of him, compelling him to step out of their room and head towards the bathroom. However, to his surprise, he discovered that the house was completely empty, devoid of any signs of life.

Quietly muttering to himself, he wondered if they had forgotten. Tears welled up in his eyes as he thought about how much he loved his members. He was confident that they wouldn't forget his birthday, but the doubt lingered in his mind.

Taehyun began his morning routine by entering the bathroom and indulging in a refreshing shower to awaken his senses. Following this, he meticulously brushed his teeth, ensuring his oral hygiene was in top condition. To complete his grooming regimen, he dedicated time to his skincare routine, pampering his skin with the necessary products to maintain its health and vitality.

Upon completing his tasks in the bathroom, Taehyun made his way to the kitchen with the intention of grabbing a few tangerines to snack on. Feeling a sense of boredom creeping in, he realized that his fellow members were not around. In an effort to pass the time until their return, he opted to turn on the television and catch up on some shows.

After spending an hour watching television and indulging in some delicious tangerines, he made a conscious decision to engage in a more productive activity. Logging onto Weverse, a platform where fans connect with their favorite artists, he was pleasantly surprised to discover a flood of heartfelt birthday letters sent by his devoted fans. In that moment, a wave of happiness washed over him, marking the first genuine joy he had experienced throughout the day. It was comforting to know that at least his loyal MOAs had remembered his special day.

Suddenly, a notification appeared on his screen, catching his attention. To his delight, it was a message from his mother. Overwhelmed with joy, he eagerly opened the message, his eyes welling up with tears of happiness.

Eomma 🫶

happy birthday taehyunnie! what do you want for you birthday?

thank you eomma, i want you to have a great meal today

Taehyun made the choice to visit Twitter and as he scrolled through his feed, he was met with an abundance of MOAs sending him birthday wishes. The hashtag HAPPYTAEHYUNDAY was trending, showcasing the love and support from his fans. Feeling a deep sense of gratitude towards his dedicated fanbase, Taehyun's heart swelled with appreciation.

As he continued to browse through his feed, Taehyun was pleasantly surprised to see that his fellow members had also taken the time to post birthday messages for him. This thoughtful gesture from his bandmates touched Taehyun, reassuring him that he was surrounded by a caring and supportive group of friends. The realization that his members had remembered his special day brought a smile to Taehyun's face, filling him with warmth and happiness.

At approximately 4pm, he made the decision to head to the company in order to conduct a Weverse live session. Upon his arrival, he was warmly welcomed by all the staff members who greeted him and extended their birthday wishes, which brought a smile to his face.

Stepping into the room, he was pleasantly surprised to find that it was decorated with a charming squirrel theme, adding a whimsical touch to the atmosphere. The centerpiece of the celebration was his birthday cake, which was intricately designed to resemble a forest scene, complete with a rich wood texture that made it truly unique and visually appealing.

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