🦊🐧 & 🧸🐿️ - MY CUTIE

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HueningKai, a student from Hawaii on an exchange program, recently relocated to Korea to pursue his studies. Despite having a good grasp of the Korean language, he still faces some challenges due to his limited fluency. Adjusting to a new environment and educational system can be daunting, but HueningKai remains determined to overcome any obstacles that come his way.

Yeonjun, a popular student known for his good looks, is the center of attention at school with many admiring him. He is part of the Choi gang, a group of students who are considered the rebels of the school and are known for their flashy lifestyle, including owning Porsches. The members of the Choi gang, including Choi Soobin, Choi San, Choi Beomgyu, Choi Vernon, and Choi Seung Cheol, are often seen together, exuding an air of confidence and charisma that sets them apart from their peers.

HueningKai made his way through the school gates, immediately sensing the curious gazes of many students fixed upon him. The whispers and glances seemed to follow him as he walked down the hallway. He couldn't help but wonder if the attention was due to his appearance, perhaps because he didn't fit the typical Korean stereotype. The uncertainty lingered in his mind as he tried to navigate through the sea of unfamiliar faces.

Suddenly, a small figure caught his eye - a boy with features reminiscent of a cute cat, with big, captivating eyes and plump lips that seemed to form a friendly smile. The boy's energetic movements as he ran towards HueningKai were endearing, his brown hair bouncing with each step. HueningKai paused in his tracks, surprised by the boy's approach. However, his apprehension melted away when the boy extended his hand for a handshake, a gesture of friendship that brought a smile to HueningKai's face. The initial tension dissolved, replaced by a sense of warmth and acceptance in this new environment.

"I'm Kang Taehyun!" The boy smiled, showing his cute canines and dimple.

"HueningKai Kamal"

"Are you new?" Taehyun asked with big curious eyes.

"Yeah, I just transferred"

"You're my best friend now" Taehyun smiled and grabbed HueningKai's wrist and dragged him to the principal's office.

Yeonjun and his friends had been observing the entire incident from a distance. Yeonjun couldn't help but find the foreign boy endearing, his features and demeanor captivating his attention. However, Beomgyu, on the contrary, experienced a pang of jealousy as he noticed his boyfriend's interest in the new student. Despite his feelings, Beomgyu chose to remain silent, understanding the importance of his baby forming connections with others and expanding his social circle. He recognized that his boyfriend needed to cultivate more friendships and didn't want to hinder that growth.

Kang Taehyun has been in a relationship with Choi Beomgyu for a year now. At 19 years old, he exudes a cheerful and kind demeanor towards everyone he meets. His striking appearance often leaves others in awe, with many admiring his looks and physique. Taehyun is particularly known for his hourglass figure and a waistline that is the envy of many women. Despite his popularity, he is committed to his relationship with Beomgyu, leaving others to come to terms with the fact that he is taken.

Taehyun's charming personality and physical attributes make him a standout individual among his peers. His friendly nature and good looks have garnered attention from many, but his heart belongs to Beomgyu. While some may find it difficult to accept that he is already in a relationship, Taehyun remains devoted to his partner. His presence is a source of joy and admiration for those around him, making him a beloved figure in his social circle.

"Here's your schedule" Mr. Kim said and gave the sheet to HueningKai.

Exiting the principal's office, Taehyun glanced at his timetable. Suddenly, a burst of excitement overcame him, causing him to bounce up and down with the energy of a hyperactive feline.

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