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beomgyu finds himself in a situation where he is currently single and yearning for companionship. he deeply desires to have a friend or a boyfriend, but he feels lost and unsure about how to go about finding or forming these connections. adding to his challenge, beomgyu identifies as an introvert and finds socializing to be a daunting task, which further complicates his search for meaningful relationships.

beomgyu found himself feeling quite bored and in need of some excitement. seeking solace, he made the decision to visit a delightful plushie shop where he could find a cuddly companion to bring him comfort. as he perused the vast selection of plushies, one particular toy caught his eye and instantly captured his attention. it was an adorable penguin plushie, and what made it even more special was the tag attached to it, revealing its name as hueningkai. Without hesitation, beomgyu knew that this was the one he had been searching for, and he eagerly purchased the penguin plushie to bring joy and warmth into his life.

as he found himself back in the comfort of his own home, he couldn't help but fixate on the plushie sitting before him. lost in thought, he made a spontaneous decision to gently pat its head. to his astonishment, the plushie suddenly came to life and began speaking, filling the room with its enchanting voice.

"hello my name is hueningkai!"

the plushie suddenly sprang to life, causing beomgyu to be even more astonished than before. overwhelmed by the unexpected movement, Beomgyu instinctively took a step back, creating some distance between himself and the animated toy.

"don't be scared human. i'm actually a human when nighttime comes"

beomgyu was shocked. a human? does that mean he has a friend now?

"what's your name human?"

"beomgyu, choi beomgyu"

"we are now friends, beomgyu human!"

as the night falls and beomgyu drifts off to sleep, a magical transformation takes place, and hueningkai assumes his human form. In this enchanting moment, they find solace in each other's arms, embracing the warmth and comfort that their cuddles bring. it's a beautiful sight to behold, witnessing the deep bond and affection between them as they share this intimate connection during their peaceful slumber.

before long, their relationship blossomed into a romantic one. although it may seem unconventional, beomgyu is in a committed relationship with a human plushie, but his feelings for hueningkai are unwavering. regardless of societal norms, beomgyus love for hueningkai knows no bounds and he cherishes their connection wholeheartedly

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