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Yeonjun reluctantly agrees to go on a blind date, unsure of who he will be meeting. The main reason he's going is because his parents have been pressuring him to socialize more and find a potential partner. However, little do his parents know that Yeonjun is already in a secret relationship with Soobin, someone he deeply cares about and cherishes. Despite the external pressure, Yeonjun finds solace in the love he shares with Soobin, making the blind date seem like a mere formality.

Yeonjun donned a sleek black tuxedo, perfectly complementing his stylishly arranged black hair. The reason behind his impeccable appearance was the fact that he was heading to one of Korea's most prestigious and opulent restaurants. However, despite the grandeur of the establishment, Yeonjun's excitement was not ignited by the prospect of fine dining. His true desire was to catch a glimpse of Soobin, and with that in mind, he stepped into the restaurant, eagerly anticipating what awaited him inside.


Soobin turned to see Yeonjun.


"What are you doing here?" Soobin asked

"I have a blind date because my parents forced me to" Yeonjun replied annoyed.

"So do I... Wait does that mean you're my blind date?"

Yeonjun widened his eyes. He never thought of that. Maybe it was true.

"NO WAY" Yeonjun screamed "MY BOYFRIEND IS MY BLIND DATE???"

"Hyung! Keep your voice down!"

Yeonjun looked around the restaurant and bowed apologetically.

"I'm calling my parents to say we are dating"

"Hyung!" Soobin pouted.

"Aww Binnie, you look so cute"

Soobin's cheeks turned a rosy shade as they couldn't help but blush, adding a touch of adorable shyness to the atmosphere. However, this didn't hinder their enjoyment of the date, as they continued to savor every moment together, creating beautiful memories that would last a lifetime.


"So son, how do you like the blind date?"

"It was amazing! We were dating before you told me to go the blind date"

Mr. Choi couldn't believe his eyes, his emotions a mix of astonishment and joy. The news of Yeonjun's success brought a wave of shock that left him momentarily speechless. However, amidst the surprise, a genuine sense of happiness welled up within him. Seeing Yeonjun's achievements filled Mr. Choi's heart with pride and contentment, knowing that his hard work had paid off.

"Thats great son. I hope you and Soobin have a great life together"

"Thanks dad"

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