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Taehyun and HueningKai have an unbreakable bond that has lasted since they were infants. Not only are they the closest of friends, but their parents are also inseparable and work together as business partners. They spend every waking moment together, and their close proximity as neighbors allows them to sneak into each other's luxurious mansions to sleep side by side. Surprisingly, their parents are completely understanding and never get angry when their sons go missing, as they know it means they are spending the night at their best friend's house.

These two friends are practically inseparable, doing everything together from eating and sleeping to showering and cuddling. They even attend the same school, share the same grade, and are in the same class. Their presence at school makes them the heartthrobs of the entire student body, with many mistaking them for a couple due to their constant togetherness.

One time, HueningKai needed to use the restroom, and Taehyun insisted on accompanying him to ensure his safety. As HueningKai went about his business, Taehyun couldn't help but find himself captivated by his friend's presence. He began to question his own feelings, wondering if he might be gay and perhaps even harboring romantic feelings for HueningKai. Meanwhile, HueningKai's ears turned red with embarrassment, realizing that his best friend, who he secretly had a crush on, was staring at him and his private area.

Unbeknownst to them, both Taehyun and HueningKai have developed feelings for each other. However, they remain oblivious to their mutual attraction, as they are too caught up in their own confusion. Their parents, on the other hand, have been observant and have confirmed that both boys are deeply in love with one another. It seems that their love is so strong that it has made them blind to their own emotions.

Currently, they are cuddling in Taehyun's bedroom and deciding which movie to watch.

"Hyungggg lets watch Pokémon"

"No, we are watching spiderman"

HueningKai's face contorted into a pout as he attempted to free himself from Taehyun's lap. However, his efforts were in vain as Taehyun firmly pulled him back and gently tossed him onto the soft bed. With a mischievous glint in his eyes, Taehyun positioned himself above HueningKai, his body hovering tantalizingly close. A nervous gulp escaped HueningKai's lips as he braced himself for what was to come.

"H-hyung, the movie is starting"

Taehyun got off of him and chuckled.

"Chill, i was just teasing you"

Taehyun's inner turmoil was consuming him as he found himself in a state of panic. The reason behind his actions remained a mystery to him, leaving him bewildered and uncertain. The atmosphere became tense, enveloped in an uncomfortable silence that lingered between them. As they watched the movie, their attention wavered, and their eyes involuntarily darted towards each other, stealing fleeting glances. Once the movie concluded, they mutually agreed that it was time to retire for the night, considering the late hour of 2am.

In a swift motion, HueningKai dashed towards the residence of Taehyun. With a sense of urgency, he pressed the doorbell and anxiously awaited Taehyun's response. After a brief moment, the door swung open, revealing Taehyun's curious gaze upon HueningKai. A profound sadness was etched across HueningKai's countenance, causing Taehyun's eyebrow to raise in concern.

"I'm going to leave to Spain tomorrow"

Taehyun's heart sank as he realized that his world had come to a standstill. The person he had developed strong feelings for was about to embark on a journey to the other side of the world. Overwhelmed with emotions, he couldn't help but feel a deep sense of sadness and longing. The thought of losing his crush was unbearable, and tears threatened to escape his eyes. In the midst of this turmoil, Taehyun found himself contemplating whether he should gather the courage to confess his feelings before it was too late.


"Yes hyung?"

"I like you"

HueningKai found himself at a loss for words, his heart racing at the realization that his crush reciprocated his feelings. The conflicting emotions of happiness and sorrow overwhelmed him as he grappled with the impending departure looming over him. In a moment of impulsiveness, he seized Taehyun's shirt collar, drawing him in for a kiss that was both passionate and bittersweet.

The exchange of affection between them was a mix of love and melancholy, evident in the way they embraced each other. As they reluctantly broke apart, they silently communicated their emotions before deciding to retreat to the privacy of upstairs.

In the quiet intimacy of the moment, Taehyun settled comfortably on HueningKai's lap as they engaged in heartfelt conversations, sharing their deepest thoughts and feelings. HueningKai's fingers absentmindedly played with Taehyun's hair, while Taehyun reciprocated the gesture by tracing patterns on HueningKai's shirt, their connection deepening with each passing moment.

"Before you go, I want you to know that I love you so much"

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