Chapter 4

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"Bye, I'm about to start a new case, love you," I told Light on the phone.
"Alright, Love you too," he responded hanging up.
Light and I had been going strong for almost two years. In two weeks it'll be our two year anniversary. I've been driving around town for thirty minutes and couldn't find the place Lawliet was talking about. I decided to call him since you weren't getting anywhere.
"Hey Law-Law I can't find the place," I told him when he picked up.
"Where are you? Also refrain from addressing me as 'Law-Law'" He asked.
"Right by the Hikiri gas station," I responded.
"Oh just take a right on Paisley's then go straight for a while and you'll see it on the left," he instructed.
"Okay, Thanks Bye," I thanked.
"Bye," he said.
Even over the phone Lawliet's voice is comforting.
I followed the instructions Lawliet gave me and found it immediately. I walked into the building and navigated around till I found the right floor. It was like the basement of the building. There was a thing to scan your eyes so I put my eyes up to it. 'unrecognized' the machine called out. The door to my left opened revealing Watari.
"Y/N you made it," Watari cheered inviting me in, one hand placed lightly on my back.
"Perfect Y/N's here," Lawliet said, in the most ethustiac tone he could spit out, which wasn't that enthusiastic as anyone would expect.
"Hi," I said shyly to the men in front of me, paired with a small wave. I immediately recognized Light and Mr.Yagami.
"Y/N this is Matsuda, Light, and Sochiro," Lawliet introduced gesturing to the three men.
"Indeed, I've already met Light we have a...history together and of course I have met Mr.Yagami as well but it's very nice to meet you Matsuda," I said shaking Matsuda's hand followed by shaking Mr. Yagami and Light's hand while smiling. I felt slightly embarrassed bringing up a Light and I's relationship infront of my new colleagues, Light seemed embarrassed too. Actually, Light looked surprised, and kind of on edge. Maybe he should be scared. I mean we've been dating for two years, and he forgot to mention that he has been working on a giant serial killing case that's sweeping the entirety of Japan.
Lawliet looked puzzled. "I don't think Misa will be pleased," Lawliet started in a teasing tone, only to be nudged, or rather, pushed quite roughly by Light. Causing him stop talking.
We were stuck in an awkward silence until as if on cue the door burst open. A beautiful blonde woman was standing in the doorway. She was wearing a plaid skirt and a matching plaid tie along with a white button up, tucked in. Her hair was down except for the two small pigtails on either side of her head. "Eeee Light good you're here, I've missed you!!" the blonde squealed.
"Oh, Y/N this is Misa, Misa this is Y/N," L introduced, gesturing to the both of us. I smiled at Misa as she did too. After she scanned me up and down. She didn't seem to enjoy my outfit. It wasn't an 'ew what is she wearing' kind of look. She shot me with more of a 'poor thing, we should go shopping together sometime' sort of look. She whipped her head to Light grinning followed by a wink.
"So if you would follow me over here to the conference room we may share and review what we've got so far," Lawliet said walking over to the what I assume is the conference room.
I sat next to Light, but what surprised me was that Misa sat on Light's lap. I was just as confused as Lawliet was when he introduce Light and I. I glanced at Light, but he didn't notice.
"So what do you have?" Lawliet asked about halfway into the meeting.
"Well L- oh I mean Ryuzaki, I believe that Kira is trying to kill all criminals to create a new world and become the God or king of it. Or at least show dominance or power over the world. Maybe this is touching the topic of God complex? They want to be worshipped. They obviously see themselves on a higher elevation than the rest of the population. This makes me think that their thoughts are based off of a factor in their lives in which they are 'above average' thus being financially, mentally, physically, or something of that vicinity. She or he is killing off criminals obviously but also tries to kill anyone who gets in their way. Kira definitely has childish behavior and hates to lose as we have established. I have a theory that has come upon me. Now the said Kira has a partner as we have discovered. It seems as though Kira one doesn't have such strong feelings toward Kira two. There seems to be an annoyance towards Kira two. So if Kira one strongly dislikes Kira two why do they still keep their connection. It doesn't make sense. I have two theories. First they could have a strong bond. Possibly parent and child, brothers or sisters, they could be each others significant other if you will. Of course there is idea number two. Kira two has something Kira one needs or wants. This could lead to many problems if they don't get along. It seems as though Kira two looks up to Kira one. They seem to admire the original Kira. So Kira two will probably follow Kira one's every command. Kira two is like Kira one's 'servant of sorts.' Almost as though Kira two has committed their life for Kira one. That's all I have today, thank you," I ended hoping to give them new information. Misa looked angry while I spoke.
"Thank you Y/N that theory had never been considered. It seems extremely likely," Lawliet smiled then more information was thrown around the table as we bounced off each other's thoughts. Soon enough Sochiro closer off the meeting and dismissed us.
While I left, I attempted to hold Light's hand hoping to get this Misa girl to back. off. That caused a big and regrettable problem.
"All day these sort of things keep happening. What do you think you're doing?" Misa asked rhetorically. Her annoying high pitched voice hurt my ears. I somewhat enough her presence, she seemed kind... until ten seconds ago.
"Umm trying to hold my boyfriends hand. You know typical relationship festivities," I answered.
"Light's my boyfriend," Misa defended. This was too much. A strike of anger, disgust, frustration, and...hurt filled my body.
"What?" I asked tears immediately brimming your eyes," Light and I have been dating for two years. Is there something you have to tell me, Light," I asked facing him, looking him straight in the eyes. Intensity burned my eyes and boared into Light's. I spit his name out like poison. My voice was painted with irritation.
"Y/N I've technically been cheating on you but it's not like that. Please just let me explain. Please Y/N," Light pleaded desperately though that didn't work.
"God I hate you," I yelled now full-on crying.
"Me too. But I still love you," Misa said forgiving him almost instantaneously. She's so shallow. It was gonna take more than that for me to forgive Light. That boy was dead to me.
I stormed to the elevator wanting to be alone. I could hear footsteps behind me, but I ignored them.
Once I was in the elevator I saw it was Lawliet who followed me. "You okay?" He asked.
"Yeah, I guess," I said trying to hide your emotions.
"Your a horrible liar," Lawliet laughed trying to brighten the mood.
"It's okay, I won't judge you for crying," he said accepting your emotions. That's when I realized Lawliet was the best friend anyone could ask for. And I also realized that I was pouring down buckets of tears. I clung my arms around him, and rested my head on his chest. He rubbed my back, calmingly. I stood like that for a few minutes before I settled down. I let go of him and wiped the tears off my face.
"Bye, thanks for being there see you tomorrow," I waved off Lawliet.
"Bye Y/N," he said though I could tell he was still concerned.
I made it home, ran straight to my room, and cried for hours while venting out to Lizzie and Charlotte. I told them the entire story and used too many tissues. After, I watched way too much Netflix. I cried some more, called Lawliet, and cried even more. I watched even more Netflix then went to the store to buy tissues. After, I tried to call Light, but my smart friends wouldn't let me, then I past out on my bed due to exhaustion.

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