Chapter 2.A tale as old as time

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"You are my liberty"


ong ago the world was ruled by a Tyrant. The evil ruler, Lorisa.

Lorisa ruled with an iron fist. Commanding her army to squash any rebellion and end those who apposed her while she sat on her golden throne of life. Dining upon the greatest foods, indulging in the greatest entertainments and marvels from far and wide, all because upon her hair was the crown of necessity which held the key to ruling. Eight Jewels each coloured differently, shimmering to all those who behold it.

The problem with Lorisa's lavish and luxurious lifestyle was her people suffered immensely from poverty and illness.

Lorisa surrounded herself in those she found important. The strongest sorcerer in all the land, keeping him close would help her keep her tight grasp upon the land. The army's commander, Rosario the bold, as she needed the army forever under her control. And ofcourse, her favourite Jester Sivanya.

But tucked away in the furthest corners of the court was a small boy. This boy was Thomas Refuswando, Lorisa's nephew who she had to look after.

Lorisa payed no attention to the boy, why should she? He was just a low life. Someone who would be kicked out when he became 18. It was, however, on Thomas's 18th birthday, when Lorisa met her end. She stormed through the corridors around three guards following her. She stormed into Thomas's room, her eyes scanning around "Where is that brat?" She asked one of the soldiers as they walked into the room. The soldiers began rummaging around the room looking for the boy.

There was a sudden sound of footsteps behind Lorisa.

There was a slash, a squelch and a thud as the floor was soaked red as Lorisa lay dead, knife through her chest. And behind her was Thomas, who was joined by seven other children. One was from the frozen regions of the land, the largest area of land in the world. As such she was pale with light blonde hair and blue eyes. Another seemed to be from the underwater aquatic region where people lived underwater, so they had sort of water creatures. She also had light green skin with some scales, her hair was a dark green colour and seemed permanently wet. The other children were our of view, but they all seemed around the same age.

Thomas took the crown from Lorisa's dead Body and threw it to the ground. The gold seemed to shatter as if it was glass and out from it the multi coloured jewels flew up flying to each child. They flew at the children flying into their chests, the children lit up in the colours of the jewels. Blue,Cyan,Green,Purple,White,Gold,
Pink and red.

That was how the eight gods of the world came to be.

~End of Chapter~

The kingdoms endOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora