The Holders Of Crime and Punishment

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They trudged through the snow around the mountains.

Sophie groaned as she Carried Sienna on her back, the princess being too tiered to walk, Sophie making the dumb decision to agree to carry her.

"Can you two hurry up?" A voice called from up ahead.

"Shut up, Jester!" Sophie called "You aren't having to carry someone on your back!"

The Jester turned around "Excuses Excuses, just keep walking. The stories say they should be near by" She said and began walking again

Sophie rolled her eyes, but soon, she saw it "Holy shit..."

In the snow, up ahead were two red masks. They were small but radiated with the power of the gods, making them easy to spot as they had a slight glow and melted the snow around them.

"Bingo" The Jester ran ahead, grabbing them, yet as she pulled one out the ground it snapped in half, which echoed a world shattering scream across the mountain. "Oh no...There is no way they didn't hear that in the castle..."

The Jester hurried dropping to her knees in an attempt to fix the mask, and with a flash of purple and plus lighting the Jester disappeared, her face being etched onto the mask before the mask faded to its original shape.

Sophie stood there in Shock "What just..." She walked forwards, there were the masks of Crime and Punishment. The masks of the assistants to death, of the exiled warriors for Ellana. She gently picked up the two sides of the broken mask, reading the inscription 'Crime'.

Sophie held it in her hands, and suddenly there was a golden glow and it was fixed little stars floating on and round it. Sophie was scared, 'What the hell is happening' she had thought as she gently scooped up the next mask, the inscription as she assumed, read 'Punishment'.

She quickly tucked it into her satchel but just then there was a crunch behind them and the sound of a blade being taken out its hold.

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