A gay couple, A curios girl and loud snoring

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Here she was.
About to die.
The ground seemed to have collapsed beneath her.

Sophie's amethyst eyes widened in shock as she felt something grip her hand and pull her up out of the hole, or seemingly bottomless pit as a man quickly grabbed her. She  was pulled out as she landed on top of a man...

Or woman as she wasn't sure at the time.

"Caught you just in time, huh?" The person asked, grinning a little raising a brow. "I'm Rui Kambiokuji." He said casually putting his hands on his hips.

"Um....Thank you?.." Sophie said, not sure at all how to respond. She looked over the tanned stranger in front of her. Slightly muscular...Chocolate brown hair and eyes....A strange technological device wrapped around his shoulder....He wore fashion similar to what she had seen in stories about the land of technology, and he seemed to fit the type of skintone for that area...So she had drawn that conclusion. Though she was unsure how he was physically here, as the land of Technology didn't truly exist as others did. Other than its God they exist in a digital state while the actual land that they own is all water and coral.

"Nice to meet you, Sophie I presume?" He said as he offered a gloved hand, which Sophie awkwardly took and shook lightly, using only a couple of her fingers.

Sophie heard more footsteps rushing out and she then saw Alfie running towards Rui. Blade raised and glowing purple.

To Sophie's amazement Rui was unafraid, amused even. Laughing a little "Stupid machinery, guess he isn't as good as the real one yet" he chuckled as he merely gave Alfie a slight hit on the neck and he froze falling to the ground

"W-What the hell did you do to Alfie?"
Sophie asked taking a step back, as if she wasn't about to fall backwards into the collapsed ground

"That wasn't Alfie. He was one of my many creations. " Rui said as he grinned proudly. Sophie couldn't believe what she was hearing "So...So Ellana never had a brother?"

Rui laughed again "What? Of course she did. This Alfie is a robot which I modeled after the real one. Who just so happens to be my boyfriend right now" Rui grinned flashing his ring, which Sophie assumed was from Alfie. The real Alfie.

"I made robo-Alfie so my boyfriend could get some rest and actual got to spend some time at home." Rui said. "You're lucky I came to check up on my robot or you'd have fallen into that crevasse."

"Oh..." Sophie looked down "So that's what that was?"

"Yep, when you spend as much time in the mountains as I do you come to learn your terminology. Speaking of which, I'm sure you haven't had a single meal in a couple days and certainly haven't been warm. So how about you come to mine?" He smiled "I could even get you Iver the mountains quicker."

Sophie smiled a little "That'd be nice...Thank you.."

"Hey kid don't sweat it."Rui said causally as he began to walk to the cave, stomping out the fire "Damn.." he muttered looking over at Sienna "Is that the Daughter of the God of Life?"

Sophie nodded and Rui looked surprised but also impressed.

Rui walked up to Sienna hoisting her onto his back with ease "She's a rather loud snorer.." he muttered as they began walking. They walked for around 1 hour and 12 minutes before they stopped at a mildly large cabin in the mountains..It looked cosy and warm and from the outside Sophie could see someone who looked identical to Alfie...Well 'Robo' Alfie reading on an armchair as Rui walked into the dear

"Honeyyy I'm home~"

~End of Chapter~

Authors notes:
Yay don't you guys just love my cannon ships :P

I just thought of the names lol, Rufie💀 Alui😨😨 Flowatkuji🐺🐺

But whatever

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